Nova Scotia’s Gaystapo Makes War On Free Speech!

Queers in Canada are demanding Christians cancel the appearance of two speakers they say are essentially promoting gay conversion therapy.

What the local media calls LGBTQ2 organizations have got their pink knickers in a twist because the Seventh-day Adventist Church has dared to invite two men who have been cured of homosexuality to talk at their conference next month.


Hasil gambar untuk Coming Out Ministries'


The intolerant perverts of Halifax are incensed that Mike Carducci and Danielle Harrison of ‘Coming Out Ministries’ will have a chance to ‘share personal stories involving and encouraging a process of ridding oneself of being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender through prayer and religious devotion.”

Sounds fair enough.

Whether it’s prayer by religious folk or psychological counselling, or anything that helps so-called ‘gays’ get back to normal, it has got to be good.



But not in the eyes of militant maladjusts!

One ‘gay’ spokesperson, Kate Shewan, is beside herself!

“Essentially they’re saying being gay or trans is wrong and there’s something that’s possible to change through religion or counselling, but really attempts to change people in this way have proven to be really harmful,” she ranted….


….condemning ‘this way’ without suggesting which other ways her intolerant gang might countenance.

Of course gay and trans perversion is wrong.

Just as being into bestiality or kleptomania or suffering from Tourette’s Syndrome ( think De Niro!) is wrong.

But In fact, of course, these nasty ‘gays’ will not tolerate ANY voices that dissent from their intrinsically dishonest narrative that once a person is infected with the ‘gay’ psychosis, there’s no cure – plainly a lie, given that thousands of such cured people exist.


From NYC – Proof Positive, ‘Gays’ Can Be Cured! 

Truth is, of course, the gaystapo message is not- ‘no cure possible,’ but NO CURE ALLOWED.

I have not heard of either of the two Christians whom these queers are so desperate to silence but here’s what’s on their website.

“No greater joy has been experienced in our lives than that which has freed us from the chains of homosexuality.”

Will the gaystapo get to silence them? Canadian readers please keep us posted.