Bolsonaro, Better All The Time!


Jair Bolsonaro’s 46% in the first round of the Brazilian presidential election has the pinko media in a welter of weeping and wailing, because he is ‘far-right’ and/or ‘populist,’ whatever those labels mean.


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I have no claim to be an expert in the politics of Brazil so have largely been reacting to the pinko media. If they hate Bolsonaro, there must logically be a lot to be said for him.

He has only this week declared that he won’t roll back his forthright rhetoric – nice to see somebody prepared to stick to his principles!

But even were he not as sound as the pinko shrills make him out to be, ANYONE has to be preferable to a socialist slug like Haddad, who is so indifferent to democratic principles that he has taken on a self-confessed Communist Party activist as his VP running-mate.

Image result for manuela d'avila communist

Manuela D’Avila, Communist wannabe VP

A man with a rancid red on his ticket or a ‘Tropical Trump?’

No decent voter in Brazil, or anywhere, should have to contemplate voting choices for more than a nano-second, before marking his or her ballot paper in the latter’s favour.


Fingers crossed for 28th October!

Brazil is a very big country. If it falls into the hands of a good guy, that amounts to a major boost for the worldwide resistance.

But exactly what is this man proposing? yesterday provided a useful objective comparison of policies and proposals.

And one from Bolsonaro that struck me as outstandingly wise,  and that should be emulated all across the Western world,has to be –

Change the Age of Criminal Responsibility to SIXTEEN!

In fact one report from the start of the year suggested he wanted it to be 14, but that seems not to be the case.

Brits who remember the brutal murder of little Jamie Bulger by ‘underage’ scum might even think a lower figure is worth thinking about…

…but one day at a time, yeah?

Imagine if those clods in Brussels, and those degenerates styled ‘judges’ on the ‘European Court of Human Rights,’ were to come out and say there’d be no more hogwash about dastardly young alien thugs and sex-predators aged 16 and 17 being designated ‘children’ and given kid-glove treatment accordingly?

Nine Young Women In Denmark     Swedish police warn Stockholm’s maintrain station is overrun

Yes, imagine, cause it ain’t gonna happen.

Real children are human beings under the age of puberty, but no chance of that reality being introduced into the sicko permissive system in Europe…

Junior Jihadis? Merkel Has Been Blocking Surveillance! 

…where so-called ‘unaccompanied’ so-called ‘minors’ are not hammered, corralled and promptly deported when they step out of line in someone else’s country.

The same sensible approach, of course, should also apply to home-grown mini-vermin who have passed their 16th birthdays. Again, one wonders, why not 15th, or 14th?

Another True Tale Of Filthy Savages In Berlin? 

Lock ‘em up!

But don’t throw away the key. Access required for regular floggings if they act up whilst ‘inside!’


Not that the age of responsibility is the only issue on which Bolsonaro talks sense.

How about this?

Categorize invasions of property and homes as “terrorism.”

For which, one hopes, the death penalty would be made readily available under a Bolsonaro government.

And it’s still getting better all the time. Denouncing the Brazilian left’s stance, of cosying up to the marxist menace in Caracas, Bolsonaro is crystal clear!

 “We are going to stop hailing murderous dictatorships” — said in reference to Venezuela — “and denigrating big democracies like the United States, Italy and Israel.”

And on a very different issue, he promises that Brazil’s schools will be directed to get on with schooling, ‘“without indoctrination or early sexualization.”

What a contrast to his opponent, the leftist Haddad, who sounds as dementedly committed to decadent liberalism as the UK’s St. Theresa of Transgendria…



….pledging lots of rot about how he ‘will strengthen an inclusive, non-sexist, non-racist and non-discriminatory view of the LGBT” community.
