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  • ross1948 23:21 on April 18, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , LGBT gaystapo, , , ,   

    UK Vote – ‘Respect My SEX If You Want My X’ 

    Good to see women are organising in Britain’s local council elections, using that slogan above to fight back against the trans-freak menace.

    They are demanding that council candidates make a clear commitment to ensuring female facilities are safe-guarded…



    …against maladjusted men who pretend to be women.

    There’s a longish piece in Conservative Home which provides all, or most, of the background, so I give you a brief extract…

    Three of the U.K.’s biggest women’s rights groups – Women UnitingSex Matters, and the Women’s Rights Network(WRN) – have combined into an alliance that encourages supporters to ask candidates where they stand on this issue.

    “We believe that politicians should know they can’t expect our cross in the voting box if they do not acknowledge and protect women’s sex-based rights…

    We want as many members of the general public – female and male, and across all party lines — to quiz their politicians, both national and local, about their stance on women’s rights.”

    Women Uniting has also produced a simple but powerful campaign video in time for the May local elections.

    …and the link to learn for yourselves.

    Yet while this is all well and good, it’s important to remember that transfreakery is merely the most absurd and offensive aspect of the gaystapo agenda.


    Perversions galore are covered by those loathsome ‘LGBTQI’ letters.

    One may well feel something like sympathy for deviants who seek remedial treatment.

    Cures For Queers? Jellyfish Quivers, Then Cowers! 

    It’s quite wrong that Johnson is set to deprive them of a chance of therapy.


    But the pretensions of many another, their demand for parity of esteem, of a level playing field with normal people, is NOT to be countenanced.


    Nobody should be penalised for refusing to employ a queer.

    The risible concept of ‘gay marriage’ needs to be rolled back.


    The monstrosity of ‘gay adoption’ needs once again to be outlawed.

  • ross1948 08:18 on October 17, 2021 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , LGBT gaystapo   

    Menaced By Trans-Freaks! Buy Her Book! 

    If you follow this blog  you will know about Kathleen Stock, the woman persecuted by evil freaks.

    Freakos V Freedom? ‘Teachers’ Make Their Choice! 

    Now it seems gaystapo goon-squads have got bookshops worried about selling the lady’s book.


    She has asked the proprietors to ‘show some mettle‘ and display her work.

    The book, entitled Material Girls and published in May, critiques the idea that gender identity is more societally important than biological sex.

    For ‘gender identity…’



    …read delusionary psychosis.

    But while Ms Stock isn’t as blunt as that, far from it, neither should she be intimidated by maladjust militants.

    For more on this, please see –

    Professor at centre of transgender row asks bookshop to ‘show some mettle’ and display her work


  • ross1948 16:58 on August 1, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , El Segundo, LGBT gaystapo,   

    Again, Mass Resistance Stands Up To BLM Lowlifes! 

    Did you know that El Segundo’s “systematic racism” is so bad that it is now “the fifth most racist city in California?”

    Hogwash, of course, but one of the lies spread at an Enemy Within event you will enjoy reading about, via this link…



    …as much as you enjoyed our last report on one of the most valiant groups in North America!

    YES! MassResistance Routs BLM Rabble! 

    Maybe you don’t even know where El Segundo is, or that it is indeed a city, but last month a pack of BLM fanatics showed up there and tried to poison local young minds.


    ALT TEXT With El Segundo High School in the background, MassResistance parents come to the BLM rally.

    Fortunately, Mass Resistance’s doughty warriors  ( in terms of culture war – MR is a committed to non-violence ) heard the nasties were in the vicinity  – a “Students for Change” rally – to be held across the street from the high school with high school and middle school students participating…hosted by Black Lives Matter, and included the high school’s “LGBTQ Club.” – and came along to the scene of the marxist manifestation.



    Angry BLM gang leader, unwilling to debate, had a rant then walked off.


    The excellent report, which interestingly mentions that nearly all of the BLM  ‘activists’ were white adults, and that ‘there was a higher percentage of blacks among the MassResistance parents than in the BLM group’ is well worth a read.

    It confirms what we know of BLM, that it is largely composed of foul-mouthed leftist fanatics who recoil from any suggestion of honest debate and prefer to rely on intimidation.



    Trying to block the MassResistance cameraman..


    , ….the BLM activists became angry and cursed in the most foul and disgusting manner. They had no interest in any reasoned conversation on the issues. The people holding signs couldn’t really explain what the signs meant. Legitimate questions just made them angrier….


    America – and not just America; there are Canadian and, I believe, UK branches too – needs more decent patriots…

    ….dedicated to fighting cultural marxism!


    A message from Mass Resistance!

    Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!

    Our successes depend on people like you.

    Donate to MassResistance

  • ross1948 20:08 on May 17, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , LGBT gaystapo   

    Queers Day Question – Will Bojo Copy Turdo’s Freak ‘Ban Plan?’ 

    I only learned that it’s a big day for sexual aberrants today, gaystapo song and dance all over the place….

    ….thanks to a UN funded propaganda hit from…


    May 17 Is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia

    Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

    …so it’s time to ask about Bojo’s intentions!

    With all the election attention on Brexit ( and bogus claims that the NHS was due for auction!) few if any British media focused on conversion therapy, curing sexual perversion, as any kind of issue in last December’s vote.

    Since then, a much more immediate health issue has held our attention.

    But all Brits still expecting conservative policies from Boris Johnson had best brace themselves for a very rude awakening.



    A biased reporter at Forbes Magazine took the time to go round the UK parties and was ASSURED by ALL the in-crowd that a similar ban on what the Forbes pro-gaystapo scribbler dubs the ‘cruel’ practice –

    -…there’s impartial reporting for you…but what else might we expect from Jamie Wareham, whose slanted article is prefaced by this ‘I report on LGBT life, identities and being queer.’)

    – was part of their programme!

    Nobody should be surprised.


    Cam on-off gay adopt

    Cameron u-turned on the perversion issue


    The Tory leadership has long been in the hands of people who reneged on their previous commitments to decency.

    Mrs. May Set To Poison Tots’ Minds 

    For all his appealing sense of humour at the expense of ‘tank-topped bumboys,’ Johnson is irredeemably pro-homo.

    Johnson okayed the ‘gay’ ad, but had the other one banned


    He even refused to recognise the right of cured aberrants to advertise their existence, when he was Mayor of London.

    Hence it seems likely that the new UK PM will soon be echoing Pretty Boy Blackface, aka Justin Turdo, who has just recently declared that his Number One issue…



    …is to outlaw all hope of therapeutic deliverance for those sad creatures who, having deluded themselves into thinking that unequivocal proofs revealed when they strip naked…


    …can somehow be wished away.

    Yup, the gender-benders of Canada are now Turdo’s pet project, and for any of those who regret their squalid life-style choices, who want to live as God or Nature intended, no treatment, no therapy, no help whatsoever, will any longer be available, no matter their desperation.

    What is more depressing still about the report in The Independent…


    …is the absence of any voice of dissent.

    Where is Stephen Harper?

    Or Jason Kenney?

    They were once stalwarts in the conservative cause!

    But today, if they still harbour principles and abhor the vile agenda that The Turd is driving like a stake into the heart of Canada, we sure as Hell are not hearing them speak up.

    Callous indifference to the plight of Canadians struggling with unhealthy impulses is deplorable.

    The power of the ‘LGBT’ gaystapo to silence debate is more so.



  • ross1948 19:31 on May 8, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: anti-charity queers, , Corey Johnson, LGBT gaystapo, , Samaritan’s Purse   

    In Rotten Big Apple, Gaystapo Hate Trumps Health! 

    After our post the other day about the Pakistan ‘charity’ that discriminates against people who adhere to the Christian faith…

    Pakistan’s Sectarian ‘Charity’ Has US and UK Wings!

    …it’s just as sickening to hear echoes of similar religious discrimination in the Big Apple!



    As NYC continues to count daily death rates, the notorious New York queer Corey Johnson will no doubt be delighted that his (?) city today has one less field hospital!

    No matter the Chinese Virus has been no means been eliminated in one of the world’s most populous metropoles, Johnson, Speaker of New York City’s Council, is reported to have given his gaystapo agenda top priority…


    ….so Samaritan’s Purse, which had been operating a field hospital in Central Part, has been effectively booted from the city.

    Samaritan’s Purse gets booted from Central Park day after NYC councilman’s vile message

    Samaritan’s Purse is a good Christian charity and had committed to operate their hospital to help anyone who needed help, without regard to creed, colour or whatever, including sexual maladjusts.


  • ross1948 21:56 on March 23, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , hospital gaystapo, LGBT gaystapo, ,   

    BoJo’s Brave New NHS – Hancock’s Hospital Gaystapo! 

    Out of the EUSSR…


    Straight into an Orwellian nightmare  – presided over, note, not by a Corbynite Stasi stooge, but by one of Johnson’s jerks, Matt Hancock by name, Remainer and now UK Health Secretary…


    Official portrait of Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP crop 2.jpg


    …and evidently perfectly content, delighted, even, with a new callous NHS policy, for he tweeted – about the nauseating pro-pervert badges below –

    Love this…Wear Mine with Pride!’


    ….badges symbolising his jackboot policy, whereby…



    …if you’re ill or injured but your views on migrants, feminuts and/or sexual perversion, do not accord with the UK state ideology, then despite all those taxes you have contributed to the National Health Service…

    Courtesy Of All You Brits – Special Bogs For BBC Queers! 

    — also at your expense!

    Yes, the universal health care, treatment for all regardless of economic status, is now to be denied to millions of Brits on political grounds…


    …unless they hide any sign of commitment to decent moral standards, patriotism and traditional values.

    As of this month –

    NHS rules allow staff to deny care to patients who show racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ views,

    but this may lead to subjective judgement and won’t protect all personnel, one NHS employee believes.

    “Nobody wants to see [general practitioners] threatened, so why use the usual victim groups, and not simply have an arrangement for all bad behavior?” Dr. David Mackereth rhetorically asked as he discussed the issue with RT.

    Thank God for RT!

    I have criticised them and praised them, but in this report, on the pervert privilege issue, they are sound as a bell!

    Earlier this week, the UK announced new rules for NHS that are about to take effect in April.

    They basically allow doctors to refuse treatment in non life-threatening cases to people who are acting in any discriminatory manner, be it racism, sexism or homophobia.

    ….the whole issue might be more about capitalizing on identity politics issues rather than about really stopping abuse…who would eventually judge whether one is acting discriminatory or not and make decisions that could have adverse effects on patients’ health.

    So who get to decide what is ‘homophobic’?https://www.rt.com/uk/481486-nhs-ultraliberal-agenda-staff-protection/

    And another good question!

    Has ANY MP stood up in the House of Commons to challenge pro-perv Hancock?

  • ross1948 18:26 on March 7, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , LGBT gaystapo,   

    Dodgy Guardian Grottista Hates ADF -So DONATE! 

    The laws would have banned trans people from using the public toilet of their choice, arguing that woman would be in danger from other trans women. There is no evidence to support the claim…

    That’s one telling extract from a rant written by a far-left Guardian Grottista named Jessica Glenza, whose animosities seem to have been aroused by freedom-fighters resisting the LGBT gaystapo agenda.

    As you are all we aware, the gaystapo onslaught on freedoms and on public decency is becoming more intensified almost daily.

    But Guardian Grottista Glenza (let’s say GGG for short!) seems to view the war waged by the gaystapo through a very distorted lens.

    Coming under the headline..

    The multimillion-dollar Christian group attacking LGBTQ+ rights

    …Glenza’s ignorance of basic facts made me very sympathetic to the Alliance for the Defence of Freedom.

    True stories of creepy consequences of the policy of admitting male perverts and predators into ladies’ rooms –

    AFA has outlined just 10 examples that show why Target should immediately rescind its dangerous policy and keep men out of women’s bathrooms and dressing rooms.

    -have been reported, so Glenza’s bizarre dismissal of facts…

    persuaded me to locate thr ADF’s contact details and urge you to donate.

    One must charitably assume the wench is unaware of the numerous occasions in recent years when perverts, or just simple predators have gained entry to women’s restrooms and proceeded to behave shamelessly.

    So here you are…

    Donate to ADF Now!


    Help this splendid campaigning organisation,


  • ross1948 17:18 on February 9, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: joke warning, LGBT gaystapo, ,   

    Black Sunday? Will Swiss Voters Ban Spontaneous Humour? 

    Today the voters of Switzerland have a chance to preserve their hard-won heritage of individual liberty, or vote to approve an Alpine version of the queers’ charter…



    ….which has now been incorporated into almost every West (but thank God not East) European body of law, muzzling citizens who could previously express their distaste for sexual perversion, but in Switzerland…


    ‘…the government stresses that the new law will not hinder public debate or affect private conversations.’

    Well, that’s okay then, right?


    ‘Even jokes about gays are still OK “as long as they respect human dignity”, Interior Minister Alain Berset said in a video message to voters….’   https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-51407327

    So if this latest gaystapo Great Leap Forward goes through, as polls predict it very well may, no more spontaneous humour in Switzerland!

    As the Minister makes so menacingly clear, every Swiss citizen will have to ponder carefully before sharing a little bitty witty to-and-fro with colleagues at work or drinking buddies in a bar…

    ….lest their joke may be overheard by some sticky-beak queer or leftist gaystapo informer…

    ….who decides that other people’s humour does not ‘respect human dignity!’

    • Johannes 19:36 on February 9, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      It is exactly what you say.

      The Swiss will be less free and not only in the telling of jokes.
      We see this effect in many other countries and as the English say, you give one inch and they will take the mile.
      Already the ‘LBGT’ extremist leaders want to start new steps to include ‘transgenders’ and that is very bad for society. In English language countries people are now punished for calling a she-man a she.
      Madness I think.

      I read in the news that most votes will be for the ‘queer charter’ as you call it and if that is true I feel sorry for the Swiss growing up today.
      They will never be as free as we are till now.


    • Mack the Knife 23:00 on February 9, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      How foolish of Swiss voters if they pass this anti-free speech law.
      You capture the essential point, that people will have to think about the consequences if they make a joke, and even more if they say what most normal people think about homosexuality, that it is self-evidently abnormal and sick.


  • ross1948 02:37 on January 30, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ", , LGBT gaystapo, , , Rep. Ben Baker (R - MO),   

    And ANOTHER Good Petition! 

    Again, I offer this petition as a public service in the fight against the LGBT gaystapo agenda.

    Stop their disgusting pursuit of innocent children.



    Drag queens don’t belong in kids’ libraries – #IStandWithRepresentativeBaker

    A bill proposed in Missouri could put power back in the hands of parents, over librarians who are giving minors “age-inappropriate sexual material” and promoting events like the so-called Drag Queen Story Hour.

    Earlier this month, Rep. Ben Baker (R – MO) proposed the “Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act,” out of concern for children. And, now, he is being attacked by LGBT activists, and says that he has even received death threats.

    LifeSite and the Personhood Alliance are proud to stand with Rep. Baker, and support his legislation to protect children from sexualization and possible predation taking place in taxpayer-funded public libraries.

    Please SIGN this petition and say: #IStandWithRepresentativeBaker

    And, in fact, Rep. Baker’s proposed bill is a direct result of LifeSite’s and Personhood Alliance’s original petition efforts.

    As Rep. Baker told KOAM TV: “The main thing is I want to be able to take my kids to a library and make sure they’re in a safe environment, and that they’re not gonna be exposed to something that is objectionable material. Unfortunately, there are some libraries in the state of Missouri that have done this. And that’s a problem.”

    Unfortunately, unaccountable library boards and committees and even some librarians have put innocent children at risk, proving that they cannot be trusted to place the best interests of children above the interests of the adult LGBT community.

    Quite simply, legislators want to equip parents, in every state, to regain control of their local libraries.

    LifeSite and Personhood Alliance believe that putting the power back into the hands of parents is a good idea.

    We said that we would take our concerns to state and federal legislators, and that’s exactly what we did.

    Immediately after hand-delivering our petition to the American Library Association’s Senior Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, Dr. Alan Inouye, we received interest from several state legislators like Rep. Baker, who wanted to make libraries safe for children.

    And, thanks to Rep. Baker, the process of parents taking back control of local, public libraries has now started in Missouri. But, we need that process to catch fire in every state across the nation.

    Such legal initiatives can put a stop to exposing children to perverse sexual material which is beyond their years and comprehension – like what happens at Drag Queen Story Hours – and, we will continue to promote these initiatives.

    Thank you for SIGNING and SHARING this petition which supports Rep. Ben Baker and his legislation to protect children from the Drag Queen Story Hour.

    We simply cannot leave the safeguarding of children’s innocence to librarians. Parents must regain control of their public libraries.


    HB 2044: https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB2044&year=2020&code=R

    Rep. Baker’s bill would require that libraries establish parental review boards, elected from the local community, which would decide which material would go into which section in the library (adult’s or children’s), seeking to ensure that children are not exposed to “age-inappropriate sexual content.”

    That would include events, like the so-called Drag Queen Story Hour, as well as reading and viewing material.

    Public libraries which do not use parental review boards would lose state funding, and librarians who violate the proposed law could be subject to sanctions.

    “The main thing that I’ve heard is that I want to ban books or ban content or censor content, and that’s not the case. I just think that there’s a line between what is open and available access for our children,” says Rep. Baker. “Even the bill specifies it wouldn’t be taken out of the library, it would just be put in a section that’s not for children.”


    • atheistmilitantsrising 02:18 on February 15, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      I am going to start a petition to have all Christian priests and pastors busted for raping children? Given the death penalty. Hundreds of thousands of Christian priests and pastors along with their leaders who covered it up and protected them? Would be put to death for their Crimes Against Humanity and their Crimes Against the Children of the World.

      Here is a great list to start with.The Bishops Accountability’s Abuse Tracker blog, full of stories of priests and pastors from all Christian denominations busted for raping kids.



    • atheistmilitantsrising 02:18 on February 15, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Reblogged this on Atheist Militants Rising and commented:
      I am going to start a petition to have all Christian priests and pastors busted for raping children? Given the death penalty. Hundreds of thousands of Christian priests and pastors along with their leaders who covered it up and protected them? Would be put to death for their Crimes Against Humanity and their Crimes Against the Children of the World.

      Here is a great list to start with.The Bishops Accountability’s Abuse Tracker blog, full of stories of priests and pastors from all Christian denominations busted for raping kids.



  • ross1948 19:59 on January 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ACC Liverpool Stadium, , , , , LGBT gaystapo, , red queers   

    UK Gaystapo War On Freedom – Red Queers Get Preacher Banned! 

    Who are the “the Liverpool Labour [Party] LGBT Network?”

    That title is fairly self-explanatory – obviously a gang of red queers, operating in a once-great city, and, like most organised aberrant outfits, in all countries, they are out to war down freedom of speech, in this case in the United Kingdom.

    The gaystapo threat gets ever more arrogant.


    Who is Franklin Graham?

    He’s the son of the famous American evangelist, Billy Graham, and, following in his father’s footsteps, he has been scheduling speaking events in eight British cities to spread the Christian gospel.

    However, his intention to include Liverpool have suffered a set-back, after the militant maladjusts of that ‘LL (P) LGBT N’ got up a petition to the far-left City Council, seeking to ban the Christian from the ACC Liverpool Stadium.


    Their excuse for suppressing free speech on municipal property?

    The group objected to Graham’s religious beliefs concerning homosexuality and said they feared that his appearance might “incite hateful mobilisation and risk the security of our LGBTQ+ community.” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/stadium-bars-franklin-graham-from-preaching-to-appease-lgbt-activists-graham-responds


    What needs to be secured are traditional British liberties!

    Both England and Scotland are Christian countries, each with its national church established by law.

    What we are seeing with this Liverpool stunt, and many another report of life under pro-pervert governments…

    ….is the illegitimate replacement of Christianity by the ‘gay’ ideology of decadence and intolerance.

    • Chrissie Miles 23:41 on February 7, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      It is frightening how powerful the gaystapo is in Britain.
      The ban on Revd Graham is no longer confined to just one leftwing-controlled city as you wrote but now extends to half a dozen!
      This is from CFM received today-

      Liverpool ACC, Glasgow Hydro, Arena Birmingham, Sheffield Arena, Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, Utilita Arena in Newcastle and ICC Wales in Cardiff have all cancelled events in the American preacher’s eight-city summer 2020 UK tour.

      Leader of Glasgow City Council Susan Aitken said the event could “fundamentally breach the council’s statutory equalities duties” and thus break the law.

      Similarly, the leader of Sheffield City Council, Julie Dore, said Mr Graham’s “discriminatory and repulsive views, could affect the long-established values that we all hold so dear in Sheffield”. The chairman of Sheffield City Trust, David Grey, which operates the Arena, said the event had to be pulled because Mr Graham does not promote “equality and freedom from hatred and abuse”.

      Free speech is being choked to death by these people.


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