Wanna See How A Weirdo ‘Prof’ Becomes Brainless?

Today I read about a ‘professor’ in the UK who thinks ‘ who thinks ‘we can solve climate change by deciding to not have any more babies and simply letting the human race die out…’

CambridgeshireLive reported.

First, to my readers in Oz, I’m sorry, but I have to reveal that she’s Australian!

Having studied the photo of Patricia MacCormack, I can’t imagine why any normal man would even WANT to couple with such a bizarre-looking bint!


It looks like she is suffering from chronic mental diarrhoea, with a steady (presumably diminishing!) trickle of brain matter dribbling out of her nostrils!

But having read the entire article, as you really must – but not…


…. if you’re hungover – I am wondering if there are any professorships at ‘Anglia Ruskin University,’ in Merry England, in subjects like toe-nail trimming, toilet-cleaning…


…bum-wiping, or maybe how to avoid finding oneself seated beside nut-jobs like Pin-Up Patricia on long-distance flights.

All such subjects are more useful and MUCH more academically respectable than the kooky gunk that this weirdo woman gets paid to ‘research!’

“feminism, queer theory, posthuman theory, horror film, body modification, animal rights/abolitionism, cinesexuality,…“

What a load of rubbish.

Professorships can be established in various areas of knowledge that command respect, but while I like ‘horror movies’ – and may have seen horror films with characters resembling Pin-Up Patricia –


‘Kuntilanak’ films are popular here in Indonesia!


– scary movies do not require ‘professors’ to ‘research’ them for us.

Especially if such ‘professors’ get paid from the public purse!

As for anyone who wastes time and money ‘researching’ degenerate drivel like ‘queer studies,’ or ‘cinesexuality…’
