Unlike Sour Sonmez, This Lefty Gal’s Got A Sense Of Humour

Great news from Frisco….

Will Frisco Boot Boudin? 

…where the ultra-left DA Boudin has just been recalled by voters for his shamelessly soft-on-crime antics.

But after our recent focus on humourless female jackasses…

Uptight Ass Alert – Beware Of Felicia Somnez 

….it’s refreshing to read that at least one American leftess can crack a joke, even when her horrible hero has just gone down to ignominious defeat.

“….tough to see this,” said Kaylah Williams-May… Boudin’s campaign manager.. in 2019 –

“It’s really hard to see the recall being fueled around fear and funded by outside conservative money coming into our progressive city…”


Outside money?’

Leftist Media Skip Sauron’s SF Role! 

She must know about the real source of outside meddling, so one assumes she is jesting.