Will Goldsmith''s Defy The Workers' Soviet?

Uppity flunkeys again?

Indeed, but first we have to hear a rant from that Booker Bat…

Did Evaristo Ever Get A Writing Prize? 

…whom we have discussed previously.

She’s beside herself about ‘theamputation” of Black British literature and queer history courses at Goldsmiths University in London

Yes, we have also had to look at that institution..


2020 Goldsmiths University of London International Scholarships - ASEAN Scholarships

Fire The Freako Racist Queer Bahar Mustafa – Sign The Petition! 

…and that was quite a few years ago!

The ranting bat is vexed because those absurd courses are part of a ‘cost-cutting programme in which 130 academic jobs are to go….’

Some of those may involve legitimate academic stuff, but anything that racialises English Lit..

….and, worse, invites students to waste their best young years poring over perversion ..

Evaristo has some nerve! But enter the Workers’ Soviet, aka Goldsmiths University and College Union (GUCU), which is aldo ranting, threats of ‘strike action in protest at the planned cuts…

Normally, we wouldn’t take exception to a union fighting job cuts.


Enter Comrade Catherine Rottenberg!

She’s a professor…


.( department of media, communications and cultural studies!)


…but not only a prof but a ‘member of the GUCU executive,’ and observes, reasonably at first:

The college has already made huge savings with a voluntary severance programme and a jobs freeze.”

But then her stridency escalates …

These cuts will wreck the lives of committed academics and will cause untold reputation damage to an institution that claims to support social justice and inclusive education.
