Ranter? Whiner? Are There TWO Umer Khans in Manchester?

A Muslim Police Chief Inspector for Greater Manchester has indicated that, according to his understanding, “Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of offending culture, religion or tradition.” http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/09/muslim-police-chief-says-offending-culture-religion-tradition-not-protected-free-speech/.

Chief Inspector Umer Khan, or any cop who holds such views, is clearly unfit to hold any position in the police of any country that is not an Islamic Republic.

Muslim Police

  • ————
  • His outlook appears to resemble that of the Islamist fanatics here in Indonesia, who regard it as a punishable offence to mock religion (esp. their religion!)’- a Dark Age belief.

As for culture, any culture which countenances ‘honour killings,’ polygamy, child marriage, and FGM deserves to be mocked, and people who endorse such rubbish deserve to be offended, often.

Umer Khan’s now saying he didn’t mean what he said.

But whilst researching, we found another Umer Khan, also of Manchester Police, who looks rather like the man in the news this week.


Disappointed: Sgt Umer Khan
The 2009 whiner Khan

But this report dates back to 2008, and it’s about a whining SERGEANT Umer Khan…an Asian police officer has lost his case for racial discrimination against Greater Manchester Police.

Sgt Umer Khan, 35, claimed he was prevented from becoming an inspector because of his race. The case was dismissed after a five-day tribunal hearing in Manchester….

And here’a curious section of the news report  –

Sgt Khan had checked the force computer for information about his brother who was a suspect in an honour killing, the hearing was told.


It may be that Chief Inspector Umer Khan is NOT the same person as Sergeant Umer Khan. Maybe it’s a common name in Pakistani circles in Northern England. But it’s odd, two men of similar appearance, mouthy gits from what we read. 

The 2009 whinge resulted in the then Chief Constable saying it was  disappointing that Sgt Khan felt it necessary to take his grievances to a tribunal but we have always felt that his allegations were unfair and unfounded.

This has now been confirmed by the decision of the tribunal.

Perhaps Mancunian readers can check this out?