Something Akin to Treason Gets A Slap on the Wrist!

Anyone who seeks to bring illegals into the UK is guilty of something akin to treason.

There’s no way smugglers of the sort we see below can ascertain if their criminal cargo is salivating at the prospect of British benefits, or bent on terror



So how come these two swine got less than five years, despite being convicted of attempting to import nearly twenty undesirable aliens. Such wicked men deserve life behind bars, if for no other reason than to deter similar disloyalty.

And there’s nothing in the report about what has become of the crimmigrants taken aboard British Coast Guard and Border Force vessels in the English Channel.

Have they been sent back where they came from…




…or are they feeding at the welfare troughs to which Theresa May, as Home Secretary, so graciously led so many others of their ilk?