RIP Sir Teddy Taylor

Sad news, the death of Sir Teddy Taylor, who served as MP for Glasgow Cathcart and later for Southend.

He was a veteran warrior in the fight against Homo Heath’s drive to put Britain under Brussels rule, and after that battle was lost, he continued to speak up against the EUSSR.


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Teddy in 1996, campaigning for a Brexit referendum!


He must have been happy indeed in June last year when the people of the United Kingdom won the right to vote for freedom and used that right to demand deliverance.

The Telegraph obituary has it right, that he exemplified the old Scottish Unionist tradition which, at one time, proved capable of winning a majority of votes and seats north of the Border on the basis of significant working-class support.

Those were the days, a vast reservoir of support, dissipated by the weak-kneed stuck-ups who ran the party in Scotland – and by Heath’s betrayal of the Ulster-Scots! .

I heard him speak more than once, and found him a lucid and impressive protagonist for the causes he espoused. You can read about one of those occasions on a previous post in our blog.

Loyalty To Whom? Cast-Iron Casts About for Coolie Commissar! 

Gone now, at the age of 80, he was a hero to many.

We could do with more of his like in Parliament today.