Vox Blog, Vox Pop? Brits Want X-Stinkos Hammered!

What did I say, just a few months ago?

Stinko Revulsion? Use Water-Cannon, Tear Gas – Whatever It Takes! 


No doubt the few Guardian readers who look in on my writings just to get their regular vexation-fix must have rolled their eyes at how ‘extreme’ my ‘bominable blog was!

How sweet today, then, to read the results of a survey of British opinion, which reveals – wait for it!

Police should be able to deploy water cannon against Extinction Rebellion (XR) protesters, says a majority of the public, as one of its leaders backed industrial “sabotage” to take down civilisation.

And it just keeps getting better!

A poll for the radio station LBC found 58 per cent said officers should be able to use water cannon to deal with XR protestors as well as tasers, riot police, tear gas and plastic bullets.


While I am obviously pleased to have such proof of popular endorsement of my calls for a crack-down, there’s more that’s welcome about that LBC report!

Proof positive that the X-Stinko scumbags ARE a clear and present danger to democracy and that the authorities need to reverse their foolish appeasement of the left media…

Tell It Like It Is On Stinko Fanaticism? No – Cops Crawl To Vermin! 

The X-Stinkos MUST be put back on the security services’ list of extremist gangs who need to be monitored – if not proscribed as a threat to public safety!


Simon Bramwell, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion


What other possible response can there be to the revelatory video of that ‘XR co-founder Simon Bramwell….’

….telling a campaign meeting that activists should “en masse” shut down fossil fuel industries.

“Along with doing things like shutting down fossil fuel industries, direct sabotage, mass civil disobedience…