London 7/7 – 15 Years On And Still Soft On Terror!

Having extricated the UK from the EUSSR, the British Government flexed its new ‘muscle’ by declaring a global ‘human rights’ policy…

…bashing a few Russians but ignoring obvious enemies of rights like Hong Kong’s Carrie the Quisling.

Ya See Quisling Carrie? Never Go To Hong Kong Again! 

What the UK should be doing is celebrating British deliverance from Brussels diktats by denouncing the irresponsible and immoral EU policy on capital punishment.


The European Union is the leading institutional actor and largest donor in the fight against death penalty worldwide.


Especially on this 7th July, the 15th anniversary of the Islamist atrocity in London…


….a day most of us remember where we were ( I was in a shop in Scotland when I got a call, from the anxious offspring on the other side of the world, who feared I might be in London)  and everyone I spoke to that day, that week, agreed with me…



…that ALL those involved in the sectarian mass-murder should be hunted down and put to death.

The bombers themselves, of course, went straight to Hell, but those who incited them, with evil sermons, and those who mealy-mouthed excuses about the ‘duty’ to exalt sectarian solidarity ahead of British foreign policy?

How many of those were put away for life, or expelled from the UK?

Damn few, if any?

How many MPs stood up in the House to demand the reintroduction of the death penalty?



Damn few, if any?

That latter admirable aspiration was unattainable, because British law was subjugated to Brussels.

Now it’s not.

Start the hangings, and soon?


Not possible, because Johnson won’t deliver British justice from the Strasbourg Soros Court!

Sauron Rules, Abetted By Strasbourg Legalice!..
