• ross1948 16:28 on November 26, 2020 Permalink Reply
    Tags: Clinton pardons, , , Obama pardons terrorist, Omarosa Newman, ,   

    No Thanksgiving Break…From BBC Bile And Bias!

    Just figuring out what delicacies to lay before my Indonesian guest due later, when I saw an ‘ex-White House aide’ named Omarosa Newman being led along by Awful Embley, about 9am, no interruptions, no contradictions…

    Omarosa Manigault by Gage Skidmore.jpg


    …as she snarled about possible presidential pardons for ( of course inspecified) ‘grievous’ crimes!

    Embley deliberately concealed the fact that this unappealng woman was fired by White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, ‘citing “money and integrity issues”, as well as “inappropriate use of company vehicles”.

    Nor did Embley tell us of her own arguably ‘grievous’ misconduct when ‘she released the first of as many as 200 secret tapes she recorded during her White House tenure.

    Embley Skips Big News, Brings Back Trump-Hate Yank! 

    Vote! ‘Amen’ To PC Censorship?’ Embley’s BBC Bias! 


    Dishonest of Embley, not to reveal the embittered vixen’s dishonourable conduct, information easily gleaned from wikipedia, which also records what even Democrat VP Al Gore’s staff thought of her – which was not a lot!

    Allusion was made to President Trump pardonng himself.



    Seth Weathers


    ….stunning contrast, when the combative Seth Weathers came on, and Embley interrupted again and again, but Seth told the world that the previous propagandist ‘didn’t know what they were talking about.’

    It is not possible to pardon somebody who has not been charged and convicted.’

    After all, even though UK Pravda has hailed The Stolen Election as a fait accompli, no charges against the incumbent are foreseeable with The Donald still in that White House!

    Asked about other possible pardon candidates, Seth delighted millions by suggesting young Kyle Rittenhouse…


    Kyle did nothing wrong,” attorney John Pierce of Pierce Bainbridge wrote. “He exercised his God-given, Constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense.”

    The Rittenhouse Video BBC Won’t Show You 


    ….who, as Seth said, and all the known facts confirm, ‘shot terrorists who were trying to kill him!

    Yabba yabba yabba,’ Embley gibbered, ‘there are other views,’ desperate to interrupt the non-left narrative.

    As for General Flynn’s pardon, Embley made the bigot BBC position as clear as could be!


    Surely it leaves a bad taste in the mouth!’

    Whose mouth, you pinko BBC slug!?!

    Not once, but twice, the ‘impartial’ flunkey, paid from UK taxes to present news fairly, insisted on rasping that official BBC perspective…


    ….referring to UK Pravda’s collective mouth, not anyone else’s, at least not anyone outside the orbit of the rabid left.

    Seth scoffed openly, mentioning Clinton’s many pardons.

    He might also have named the manifold misdeeds of The Racist.


    It was Obummer, after all, who commuted sentence of trans-freak traitor Bradley Manning.

    And no, we’ll not be calling that Thing ‘Chelsea.!’

    A traitor in every sense, in 2013 Manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

    The Thing deserved a firing squad!

    Nor was The Thing the only unrepentant evil-doer unleashed by that worst-ever POTUS!


    Related image

    How about convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera…a leader of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible for 130 attacks in the United States, and at least six deaths.


    • Vinnie F 08:55 on November 27, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Pardon for Kyle? Great idea!



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