‘Sleaziest, Most Disreputable’ Media in the World? Britain’s!

 Nothing like an objective and impartial headline, in the best traditions of British journalism. And that’s certainly what The Independent offered us last week, with this gem – 

Ukip is the sleaziest and most disreputable party in Britain, voters say


The ‘newspaper’ then provided us with the results of a survey which suggests many voters are amnesiac, if the lapses of one or two UKIP personalities in financial matters make them deem that party more worthy of disrepute than the mammoth  – and (slowly) continuing  – scandal of cover-up by all the main parties of sex-predators like Cyril Smith MP.

Smith appears to have been a foul fat queer who used his Liberal Party positions of power to slake his thirst for under-age sex. Revolting.

But MUCH more revolting was, and is, the failure by the political establishment to root out and expose, both to public contempt and to police action, all those complicit in facilitating, by censorship and suppression, his vile molestations of defenceless children.


And of course the media must have got wind of it long ago, just as they knew and hid from public contempt the queer Tom Driberg, MP, who was infamously perverted, yet allowed to win and hold onto the Chairmanship of the Labour Party. And the Tory Party’s dirty linen is yet to be fully laundered too. Top Tory is linked to child porn stash  Express.co.uk21 Mar 2015

Compared to all that, UKIP is squeaky-clean. And one’s main consolation is that Russians were subjected to immersion in this kind of ‘reporting’ by the communist media monopoly for seventy years but retained their ability, mostly, to see through the web of deceit.


  • liberal-media-bias
  • It’s all about what the media feed to their readers. Pederasty concealed till the perps are safely dead, their surviving political collaborators’ names held back till the election is safely over. Or whenever!

Hence my second link today, about what is going on in the British General Election campaign, the orchestrated print war against the only party for decades that has broken the mould and challenged the corrupt and cosy cultural marxist consensus of what issues may be put before the electorate and how any such issue must be handled.

…there seems little reason to doubt that the party-political establishment is still happily working with its friends in the respectable media…                           http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/why-isnt-farage-entitled-to-a-bit-of-privacy-too/16805#.VRX5KfmUc5I .

The author of that piece is no right-winger, but he’s honest- though I wish he could have put those essential inverted commas around the word respectable! 

Respectable media would not give a platform to elite snobs like Camilla Long and Matthew Parris, who are not content to attack UKIP’s policies and candidates but slur entire communities of decent British folk.



elite arrogance-s

I refer to the pampered grandbrat of a Tory peer, who defamed the constituency of Thanet as “bilious”, “grubby” and “a small nodule of erupted spleen..” UKIP Leader slams Tory paper attack on Thanet  And to Parris’ infamous stuck-up insults to another English town which had the temerity to vote UKIP. Message to Matthew Parris – Get Stuffed! 


UKIP has faults.

It has expelled or otherwise punished good candidates for no good reason, like referring to poofters as perverts, which they are, and as ‘poofters,’ which is what normal people usually call them.

And Farage’s back-pedalling after his sensible call for an end to the stalinoid ‘discrimination’ laws is not the only reason  I worry if his party can deliver on its promise to give Britons back their heritage of freedom.


But what else is on offer?
