Wake Up, Romania – And VOTE!

Radio Free Europe was once part of the armoury defending the West from communism, by keeping the hopes of Eastern Europe alive.


Many millions of people in the nations enslaved by marxism did their best to tune in, yearning all the while for a future free of the red jackboot, when they might be free again, to live according to the values of their particular part of Christendom.

Then the Berlin Wall was down, and one after the other, those nations were free again, although only in Romania was proper punishment meted out to the communist filth who had long tormented them.



Red tyrant Ceausescu, executed!


All history you know already, true, but my intro includes RFE for a reason.

Once a champion of hope, that famous segment of the media now disses democracy, with a grossly unbalanced report on today’s Romanian referendum, where the forces of decency are marshalled against the sick ‘European’ values that pollute Brussels.

NB – Eurocratic demophobes are furious. A rat-pack of 40 MEPs have protested against giving Romanians a vote on the issue ( did they similarly whine about Eire’s referendum?) and are even up in arms that it’s a two-day vote, their ire stoked by fears of a maximum turn-out!


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Eugen Tomiuc is a senior correspondent for RFE/RL.


And there’s the ‘journalist’ responsible, a man named Eugen Tomiuc, whose concept of an objective report allows him to give a platform, not to any bishop of the country’s national church, nor to any of the elected representatives of the people – all but one of the parliamentary parties are on the people’s side!


Nor does he make the effort or take the time even just to walk round the streets and find one of the millions who intend to vote against the gaystapo agenda.

Instead, he lets some queer, training to wear a clerical collar, rant on and on, against the goal of the referendum, which is simply the reassertion of common decency, the categorical definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Plus lengthy remarks from a queer bar-owner!


Oh, we get a mini-quote or two from the Romanian Patriarch, a dozen words or so, but you are free to read Tomiuc’s turgid prose..


…and see if my suggestion is unfair, that he fails the test of impartial reporting.

Methinks he seeks to make the homo wannabe reverend into a figure of sympathy.


But I just feel sorry for RFE, reduced to the same sorry standard of liberal tripe as the BBC or CNN.

Today, Sunday, it’s up to the people of Romania to decide.

But there’s a bid by the pro-homo lobby to minimise turn-out. It’s a constitutional amendment, If less than 30% of the electorate cast their votes, the outcome is not binding.

Hence my headline.


Wake up, get dressed, have your morning coffee, then get yourselves along to the polling station.