Fancy-Pants ‘Intellectuals’ Rant About Race

Here we go again, fancy-pants ‘intellectuals’ obsessed with race.


Crime writing award criticised over all white longlist

Of about 100 books submitted by publishers to be selected for the 18-writer longlist, just 7 per cent were by authors of colour…

One assumes they mean ‘coloured authors?’

The Telegraph can produce some worthwhile reports but why do they use left-lingo?

It’s hardly the first time.

( as when the Telegraph used a plural pronoun to refer to one freak Foul-Mouthed Maladjusts, Muddled Media! )



These book ‘awards’ are conferred, as a rule, by wokuppities…

…much like the film festival flap-jaws who gush about movies…

Creeps – “Good Acting” Not Enough To Earn Acting Award! 

.Can It, Cannes-Lefts

At Vile Venice, ‘Rave Reviews’ For Poland Pro-Crimmigrant Film? 

…most normal people wouldn’t watch for free.

Thing is, we know publishers are, partly because they are leftists…

Penguin Bird-Brains Target Hemingway!

Random House – Directed By Berlin Left? 

National Book Day?

CANCEL Random House Bullies

…partly because they’re scared.

So they are highly unlikely to be involved in ‘discriminatory’ selection.

Besides, if you are browsing in a book-shop, or indeed a library, do you give a tinker’s cuss about what colour the authors might be?