Sorry, Macron’s Pravda, But Poland WAS ‘First To Fight!’

France 24’s eternal eagerness to turn anything…France24’s Far-Left Lisa Spews Her Bias Once Again! ….and everything, into leftist propaganda is well-known…

Which Is More Biased? NYT Or France24? 

media bias

…but this morning when we tuned into the channel we could not unfairly call Macron’s Pravda, given its consistent pro-crimmigrant messaging and Trumpophobia…

….we saw them try out another means of leftising their news service, that of choosing which part of their stories get priority mention.

Over to the Westerplatte peninisula, where 200 Poles faced the full fury of German aggression in 1939.

The gallantry of Poland’s hopelessly outnumbered and out-gunned fighting men is being remembered by a grand sound-and-light show, here-

Yet F24 chose to cover this by highlighting a wretched woman, representing ‘liberal city authorities,’ the Mayor of Gdansk. Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, a comrade of Donald Tusk’s left-liberal alliance, is ‘not happy’ about the ‘Poland, First to Fight’ theme designated by the government in Warsaw…


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She told F24 that was not how she would prefer to see the heroism of the defenders remembered.

“I really don’t think that’s where the emphasis should be.”


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Gdańsk’s liberal mayor, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz,  said government messaging over the war was wrong-headed and inflammatory. (Guardian)

She did not specify what her preferred theme might be, but then she didn’t need to!


Gulliver Cragg, F24’s man on the spot, had impartially described the commemoration she dislikes as ‘jingoistic’ – please note, HIS word, not hers.

We’ve met Cragg before…

Media Bias – Polish President ‘Widely Regarded As A Puppet?’ 

…when he insulted Poland’s President.

One has to conclude that, as a Europhiliac ally of Turn-Coat Tusk, the mayor finds vibrant patriotism, ‘jingoism,’ as Cragg’s prejudice  defines it,  disagreeable.


merkel v poles

I imagined Tusk and Mama Stasi Merkel’s collusion with Brussels’ anti-Polish vendetta might have something to do with it, but, ever-fair, I went a-searching, to clarify

And guess who F24 was echo-chambering?

The Guardian!

Their report goes into detail about how the ever-so-wicked Polish Government’s newly appointed historian in charge at the Gdańsk Museum has disgracefully tried to remind visitors that the Poles were heroes.

. At the entrance to a hall featuring hundreds of photographs of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, the new curators inserted a wall-sized photograph of a Polish family executed for hiding Jews,

Some pinko klutz named Machcewicz, who was ( evidently wisely) replaced as museum director, is quoted saying that’s “totally inappropriate!” 

What’s inappropriate about it? 

The wicked Poles go even further!

A display showing the number of deaths in each country was also amended to give deaths by percentage of civilian population, in order to show that Poland proportionately suffered more than others. About one in five Polish citizens were killed during the war.

What the HELL is wrong with that?

After the way the West colluded with the Soviets at Yalta in 1945, to betray Poland, the dirty deal that saw a brave nation consigned to decades of marxist quisling tyranny.


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…the Poles deserve recognition and honour for their sacrifice.

The percentage figures make that clear to visitors who might otherwise not realise how Poland, as a small nation, suffered disproportinately.

As Mr. Nawrocki, the man who took over after the pinko Machcewicz was removed, puts it,  the original museum had left out many “unquestionable Polish heroes” and said the focus on Polish heroism was unsurprising.



“It was only in the 1990s that we had the opportunity to talk truly and objectively about Polish history. After 50 years of two totalitarianisms we should be allowed to talk about our own history…”

But what the Guardian and I agree is ‘perhaps the biggest change at the museum’ has to be the very welcome transformation of what awaited ‘visitors at the end of their visit.’

Whereas BEFORE there was a very short video which –

traced history since the end of the second world war and ended with images of wars in Ukraine and Syria and the refugees they created…

For God’s Sake!

Are the Brussels Bunch so obsessed with ‘refugees’ that they had to try and mar the memory of national heroes like that?

….this was replaced by a computer-generated video of stylised, heroic Polish soldiers in combat, changing the message from one of reflection on the horrors of war to one of patriotic glory.


And just to show how the cause of multicult counts for more than pride in Poland, the self-righteous ‘city authorities plan their own, separate commemoration event on Sunday, where guests will include the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.’


London Has Fallen – Defender of Evil Declared Mayor! 

Of course Polish soldiers were heroes, but on the 80th anniversary this should not be the most important message…” said Dulkiewicz.

Of course it should, you rotten leftist cow!

It’s what today’s ALL about!