French Leaving Pakistan? Why GO There?

The French embassy in Pakistan on Thursday issued an advisory to its nationals asking them to temporarily leave the country following violent anti-France protests by a radical religious group, The Tehreek-i-Labaik Pakistan (TLP).

These primitives have their pantaloons in a twist because France is seen as a place…

…where free speech is not fettered by backward sectarianism.

Even though there are no reports of protesters targeting French citizens so far, the Embassy said that the move is “precautionary…

Wise move by the French.

But to be frank, no civilised people should ever set foot in Pakistan, unless there is an utterly compelling need.

My blog has apparently been blocked there…

…because I have made no secret of what I think of the benighted country….

Do The Wicked Go To Pakistan When They Die? 

Sectarian Barbarism – Alive And Thriving In Pakistan

…and reading about the persecution of Christians today in Gatestone…



…an article about global persecution but with several specific mentions of Pakistan…

  • “Intercourse with a girl below the age of 16 is statutory rape in Pakistan, but in most cases a falsified conversion certificate and Islamic marriage certificate influence police to pardon kidnappers.” — Morning Star News, March 12, 2012, Pakistan.
  • On March 20, a court “changed a sentence of life imprisonment to the death penalty for a Christian convicted of sending a blasphemous text message in 2011″…. Such petitions are “seen often as a service to Islam and as jihad or holy war against blasphemers.” according to the report. — Union of Catholic Asian News, March 29, 2021, Pakistan.
  • “[O]rthodox Muslims demand to make capital punishment the only penalty for blasphemy”…. The courts increasingly seem to be complying. — Union of Catholic Asian News, March 29, 2021, Pakistan.
  • …only confirms my view.

  • Although it’s only fair to add that ignorant and evil savages there are just as cruel to the Ahmadi Muslim minority –

  • ———————————
  • royal_wedding_ahmadiyya…who, as many British readers will know, are, in general, peaceful, inoffensive, good citizens
  • -as they are to Christians.