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  • ross1948 17:30 on November 2, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: AGM, ,   

    Trust The Trust To Talk Tripe! 

    That’s the National Trust we’re talking about, again, thanks to the Guardian’s latest shock-horror report….


    …on the fightback against the pinko creeps who run what was once…

    …a respected organisation.

    Frankly, until I’d read the Guardian this week, I’d no idea the NT politburo…


    NT-USSR? National Trust Ruling Faction Exposed! 

    …had inserted itself into the maladjust movement, mincing along with ‘Pride’ parades…

    ..which have absolutely nothing to do with the Trust’s purpose.

    Although given what we already knew the NT had been up to…


    Brits Can’t Trust The National Trust’s Gaystapo Collabos! 

    …not a surprise!

    But some other parts of the report are just incomprehensible, namely what the Guardian describes as an ‘accusation’ levelled by the ruling leftists against the reformist campaigners of Restore Trust.

    .Contact Restore Trust  –


    They’re in a tizzy that Restore Trust started ”targetting older members of the charity?”

    Campaigners for a good cause should neglect senior cits?

    But in any case, in what disordered alternate Guardian universe…



    …does “paying for leaflets to be pushed under car windscreen wipers, in the properties’ tea rooms, and through the doors of people who live nearby,”

    ….in any sense constitute…


    …”targetting older members?”

    Don’t members of all age-groups have cars with windscreen wipers?

    Don’t 30-somethings sit down for a coffee or soft drink in the tea-rooms?

    And ‘people who live nearby?’

    Do they not include both young and old?

    What kind of blethering pinko buffoon fed the Guardian hacks such hogwash…

    ….and why did the Guardian hacks swallow it?

    Apparently these leaflets proclaim that something

    …is wrong with the National Trust, and urgent help is needed.’

    Hell, if I weren’t in The Tropics, I’d deliver the Restore Trust leaflets for free!


    So what do the NT in-crowd have to say for themselves?

    Well, Celia Richardson, the ‘National Trust’s director of communications….’


    Celia Richardson, Director of Communications and Marketing
    …Celia Richardson  enquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk

    …has helpfully acknowledged that it’s an ideological conflict, defining the resistance as ‘anti-progressive!’  https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/oct/31/right-wing-group-target-national-trust-council-over-rewilding-and-lgbt-stanc

    Which means she regards her cabal as ‘progressive,’ the same euphemism the far-lefts like AOC in the USA apply to themselves, as camouflage.


  • ross1948 03:08 on February 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: AGM, , , , , , ,   

    As Treasonous Commons Readies To Pervert Democracy… 

    Looks like I will be obliged to keep my promise to return to The Old Country, if Blood-Beast Adams’ comrade coerces the electorate back to the ballot box…




    ….as part of the ruling class’s attempt to subvert the democratic decision of the British people.

    So much for Labour.

    Meanwhile as regards the Tories, here’s another call to arms from Leave EU.

    Dear Supporter, 
    The Conservative Party AGM season is upon us. The Party’s National Convention met this weekend and passed a motion in favour of EU withdrawal regardless of whether there’s a deal or not. Compare that to the powerful pro-Remain forces in Parliament trying as hard as ever to extend negotiations with the long-term goal of blocking Brexit. The quality of our representation is truly pitiful.

    The Government is now in on the delay tactics after a group of nearly 25 ministers, including four members of the cabinet, threatened to back Labour MP Yvette Cooper’s amendment. Around 100 Tory MPs agree with them.

    May has succumbed. Papers circulated over the weekend by Downing Street reveal plans for a two-month extension if the Withdrawal Agreement is voted down a second time. The EU is asking for two years.

    Leave.EU’s deselection campaign is as vital as ever. Parliament is increasingly behaving as if the Referendum never happened. The approaching AGMs in local associations across the country offer a tremendous opportunity to bring the elites of the Conservative Party down a peg and put Brexit back on its right and proper trajectory.

    Since launching last month, we’ve had an immense response to our campaign, which has focused around getting local activists to amass enough signatures from fellow members to force through a special general meeting of the local association in order to table a no-confidence motion against the sitting MP. An AGM cuts out the need for petitions, providing a direct route to giving MPs their marching orders.

    So long as you’ve been a party member for three months or more you’ll be able to send a letter to your association chairman and secretary requesting a no-confidence motion gets added to the forthcoming AGM’s agenda.

    Association chairmen are required to provide notice of annual general meetings at least twenty-one days in advance. They will release the final agenda seven days before the date of the meeting so you have a window of around fourteen days to get your letter in.

    You must ensure that it is signed and seconded by another member of at least three months standing. We recommend you send it via recorded delivery. Thereafter, you only need to drum up support among your friends in the party to ensure a decent turnout and hopefully get the right result.

    Click here to visit our deselection page. Near the bottom, you’ll find a list of upcoming Conservative Association AGMs. If you don’t see yours, ensure to keep an eye out for an email or letter from your chairman. Better still, get in touch with your local association to find out when and where. You can find contact details by entering your postcode in the bottom left-hand corner of this page on the Conservative Party website.

    At this critical juncture, we have an amazing opportunity to strike a lethal blow against a swathe of MPs in one fell swoop. Contact your associations and get your letters in.

    Kind regards,
    The Leave.EU Team

    • Vanessa Reilly 03:28 on February 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I knew Corbyn would do this.
      He just loves his country’s enemies, Adams, Juncker, anyone who wants to harm and humiliate Britain, Corbyn will take their side.


      • Petra Malley 17:05 on February 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        Your description of Corbyn is perfect, Vanessa, and if anyone disputes it, look at how he has taken up the case of that Islamist fiend Begum, whom he wants to let back into the Britain she wants to destroy. He even says she needs ‘support’ when she gets back.
        The only support she deserves is that involving a piece of rope to support her while she hangs by the neck until dead.
        The only prospect of that happening is if she is kept in the Middle East, as Ross has suggested.


    • Andy McKinnon 08:38 on February 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I never do donations because there are too many good causes, as you show us many a time.
      In this hour of national crisis, I will make an exception.


  • ross1948 12:37 on March 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: AGM, , Brussels bias, , resolution, ,   

    Warning to Shareholders! Rolls-Royce Bosses To Use Company Cash Against Brexit? 


    BMW tells UK Rolls-Royce and Mini workers of EU ‘benefit’


    Dodgy stuff, that, and it raises questions, the most important being noticed by BBC business editor Simon Jack, who said the email would re-pose a question that was raised in the Scottish referendum, as to whether it was appropriate for companies who do not have a vote, but do have a voice, to get involved in politics.



    Any such involvement is inappropriate, some would say, and, if contemplated, should surely be subject to a meeting for share-holders to debate it.

    And that debate should be followed by a ballot of share-holders, at least. 



    But what does one of my British readers send me today but a VERY disturbing extract from the up-coming Rolls-Royce AGM agenda.


    RESOLUTION 20 – POLITICAL DONATIONS AND EXPENDITURE That the Company and any company which is or becomes a subsidiary of the Company during the period to which this resolution is effective be and is hereby authorised to:

    a) make donations to political parties and/or independent election candidates;

    b) make donations to political organisations other than political parties;

    and c) incur political expenditure during the period commencing on the date of this resolution and ending on the date of the Company’s AGM in 2017 or 15 months after the date on which this resolution is passed (whichever is the earlier), provided that in each case any such donations and expenditure made by the Company or by any such subsidiary shall not exceed £25,000 per company and the aggregate of those made by the Company and any such subsidiary shall not exceed £50,000. For the purposes of this resolution, the terms ‘political donation’, ‘political parties’, ‘independent election candidates’, ‘political organisation’ and ‘political expenditure’ have the meanings given by sections 363, 364 and 365 of the Act.

    The boss-men have added an ‘explanatory’ note below that resolution in which they protest that they certainly would not go handing out cash to any ‘political parties.’

    But they certainly DON’T give any guarantee that they’d not use company cash to boost the anti-Brexit forces.

    I simply urge R-R shareholders to vote this down.

    It’s too big a risk, given the RR Suit-Peoples’ known bias in favour of Brussels!

    • Gerald Dawson 13:12 on March 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Why yes, I have just checked and hadn’t looked at the agenda before. I am a bit lazy and don’t usually bother about voting for company AGMs but since I do have shares, I will be voting against.
      Thanks for drawing my attention to the AGM resolution. I wonder how many other companies have this in their minds to do.


    • Pamela 14:59 on March 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      A timely warning. I’m not an RR shareholder but I will check all my other shares and be ready for a fight!
      Thank you.


    • Warner 03:47 on April 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Big business in Britain today is as much an enemy as as the big trade unions used to be. They put their cosy relationship with ‘Big Brussels’ before their own country.
      I understand Rolls Royce is a part of the BMW conglomerate, which is German. So whose interests are they serving?
      Their RR puppets in the UK are just having their strings pulled by Merkel men and they are not alone. The CBI, the big business lobby, has had millons in handouts from the EU.
      So when HMV says ‘Heel,’ the business pooch barks obediently.


    • Richard Smith 08:27 on April 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Rolls Royce’s bosses should explain that they have had nearly forty million pounds in grant money from Brussels. There are many other non-British businesses trying to keep us in the EU for the same kinds of reasons, and this link helps people understand what they are up to. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/politics/6952674/The-truth-about-bosses-who-signed-anti-Brexit-letter.html


    • Ken Atchison 12:44 on April 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for that. I just voted against their political donations and against re-election of all the directors, because they must have auhorised the pro-Brussels propaganda letter I readabout.
      First time I’ve bothered so I hopea lot of other share-holders take the time to do the same.


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