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  • ross1948 14:30 on October 16, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , IRA women’s soccer,   

    UEFA Investigates Eire’s Soccer Sows! 

    Having criticised UEFA more than once…

    UEFA Vector Logo - Logowik.comUEFA – Useless Eejits, Friggin Asses! 

    ….it’s only fair to offer a tentative cheer on the news that the soccer big-wigs are investigating’ those Eire vixens..

    FIFA Should Ban Those Pro-IRA Soccer Sows! 

    …for what is apparently designated “potential inappropriate behaviour…”

    after a video of them singing a song containing a pro-IRA chant emerged after their World Cup play-off win.. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/63242412

    Ooh ah, up the ’RA” – words associated with support for the Irish Republican Army https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022


    Oh, and that absurd word ‘inappropriate’ again?

    Sure, UEFA’s got to say ‘potential’ until it’s established exactly how many of the squad joined in the pro-murder gang song.

    Image result for evil irishman

    Did they all descend to the level of base beasts?

    It would be nice to think one or two had enough residual decency to abstain the adulation of evil, but…

    Wait and see.

    Meanwhile, UEFA’s indictment should be amended.


    Potential Inappropriate Behaviour.’

    Had a team chanted support for the homicidal sectarian ISIS…

    …rather than the homicidal sectarian IRA…


    …one hopes a more fitting adjective might be deployed.

    Potential Incitatory Behaviour.

    ‘Potential Incendiary Behaviour.’

    ‘Potential Intolerable Behaviour.’


    Here’s UEFA’s email.


    Tell them what you expect of them.

    Investigate every woman at the crime-scene…

    ….then, whoever is found to have joined in the murder-gang chorus….

    …ban them sine die.


    • Angela Kitts 22:51 on October 16, 2022 Permalink | Reply

      I hope Uefa will do the right thing and ban that team until every player is replaced by women without terrorist sympathies..
      As has been said.
      If they had sung that ‘Akbar’ or another Isis song, that’s what would happened, so what’s the difference?


  • ross1948 07:20 on October 14, 2022 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , IRA women’s soccer, up the RA   

    FIFA Should Ban Those Pro-IRA Soccer Sows! 


    What a slimy ‘apology’ for those slimy pro-IRA bitches’ disgusting behaviour!



    Eire’s Football Association clearly are embarrassed at how the vile creatures were caught on video chorusing their support for terrorist murder….

    Ooh ah, up the ’RA” – words associated with support for the Irish Republican Army

    Image result for evil irishman

    Get this!..

    The Football Association of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland women’s national team manager Vera Pauw apologise for any offence caused by a song sung by players in the Ireland dressing room after the Fifa Women’s World Cup qualifying playoff win over Scotland at Hampden Park on Tuesday night.”

    The mealy-mouths could have tried just a wee bit harder to sound like they meant it.

    They could have said the apology was ‘for the OBVIOUS offence, singing the praises of a genocidal psychopaths….’

    But then they’d have upset the huge cohort of scum – from Sinn Fein leader O’Neill –

    Sinn Féin Vixen – “No Alternative” To Terror! 

    Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald (left) arrives with Vice-President Michelle O'Neill (right) to the Titanic Exhibition Centre in Belfast as counting continued yesterday afternoon

    Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill

    …down through the 70% of her electorate who think IRA atrocities were justified…

    – so it’s just for ‘any offence‘ – like maybe caused by the sows’ unpleasant voices?




    And one of Pauw’s rabid songstresses rather gives the game away when she tail-ends the FAI hypocrisy with this.


    Aine O'Gorman won 100 caps for Ireland.
    Aine O’Gorman

    The veteran player Áine O’Gorman reiterated the apology, telling RTÉ Sport: “We sang 100 songs last night and that was the one that went out.”


    And what other ‘greatest hits’ didn’t ‘go out?’

    Sounds to me that her fatuous ‘apology’ has more to do with being CAUGHT engaging in grossly offensive misconduct, rather than what they actually did..


    Ulster’s British people certainly now understand what life will be like if their country is taken under Eire’s evil wing.

    Here’s one Ulsterwoman telling it like it is.

    If my words above come from anger far away from Ulster, hers echo the outrage of thousands of good citizens right there, where the IRA did its worst.

    Statement by TUV spokesperson Lorna Smyth:
    May be a closeup of 1 person
    “When I first saw the footage of the Republic of Ireland’s women’s team celebrating their qualification to the World Cup by singing a pro-IRA song I questioned if it was real.
    Surely young women who knew they were role models and were aware that they were being filmed couldn’t be so offensive?
    Yet now we have confirmation that the video is indeed genuine.
    “While there have been apologies, tellingly there has been a failure by the FAI or the players to spell out why the song was unacceptable.
    They have apologised merely for “for any offence caused.”
    “Much more is needed.
    Is disciplinary action being taken?
    If not, why not?
    There needs to be recognition by all concerned, both the players and the FAI, that the IRA were a murderous terrorist organisation responsible for visiting death and destruction on countless families on both sides of the border.
    A bland apology which says sorry for any offence without clearly spelling out why a song glorifying the IRA is offensive isn’t enough.
    “The pussyfooting around the nature of the IRA’s bloody campaign for the sake of the so-called “peace process” is the reason why a generation has grown up not thinking about the victims of Republican violence. A process which has normalised terrorists has meant that many celebrate their actions without a thought for their victims.
    “There is a need for the FAI and the players concerned to come out clearly and say they recognise that the murders of Bloody Friday, Kingsmill, Enniskillen, La Mon and countless other atrocities were horrendous.
    “It is well beyond time that the casual glorification of those who murdered Protestants was just as unacceptable as the casual glorification of those who murdered Jews”.


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