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  • ross1948 20:32 on December 7, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Jakarta bars, , reactionary   

    If You Hear Foul-Mouth Ash’s Sicko Yelp, Call It Out! 

    If you drop by certain bars in certain areas in Jakarta (or probably anywhere in the world, except maybe Saudi Arabia, where I’m sad to say there appear to be no bars at all!), you might find young ladies…

    ..some of whom might well be dressed something like the chick in this photograph below…


    …but probably prettier, and they will be happy to engage you in conversation.

    Most of them may not be highly educated, but they will not as a rule be foul-mouthed, which the exhibitionist UK-based pinko hackette in the photo certainly is.

    Her name is Ash Sarkar, an ‘academic’ whose idea of intelligent rebuttal of another, more distinguished academic, with whom she happened to disagree, was to call him the….”lobster shagger!” https://www.rt.com/uk/446696-jordan-peterson-jeremy-corbyn/

    What a coarse cow, you may think.

    And I agree!

    We featured her, largely for the sake of her cleavage, the like of which none of my college lecturers ever displayed, in a post about a year ago.


    Shy RT Scribbler Plays The Smear Game! 

    But now she is jumping on another leftist bandwagon, or hearse, one might say.

    Ash Sarkar says: ‘Jack Merritt’s family and loved ones have specifically asked that right-wing newspapers and political parties not use his murder to advance reactionary demands. If you see it happening, call it out.’


    Reactionary demands?

    The Evil Within

    Many, probably most, Brits probably shared my satisfaction at the death of the ISIS pig who carried out the London Bridge atrocity in which young Merritt was one of the victims.


    Many, probably most, Brits, share my view that, had the pig been taken alive, he deserved the death penalty.

    Many, probably most, Brits certainly agree that terrorists should not be released after serving only part of their sentences.

    2012 Plus 16 = 2028 – The Pig Should Still Have Been Caged! 

    Sarkar The Coarse Cow evidently disagrees, and urges all the other pinko creeps who hear any common sense response to Islamist evil to ‘call it out!’

    I could use a few paragraphs to deal with the dirty-mouthed dame, but the article to which Ash the Ass’s quote is linked does the job admirably.

    Please read it.

    She needs to be called out herself.

    I have managed to find an email address to which you can send courteous (of course – we ‘reactionaries’ are not like her!) words of wisdom.


    Ash Sarkar is a writer, broadcaster, journalist and lecturer who produces and presents #AshWednesday for Novara Media. Her work focuses on race, gender, class and power. Ash supports Tottenham Hotspur, and has never knowingly kissed a Tory.

    Lucky old Tories!





    • Craig Platt 21:41 on December 7, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      What a horror! If she ever came near me I would tell her I’m a Tory!


    • Jim Ex Jakarta 22:02 on December 7, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I miss those Jakarta bars but the best were already closed down when I was getting ready to leave. We used to have a lot of fun in Top Gun and The Club where that new Losari 2 Hotel now stands.
      You are right about the bar girls there being prettier than that Ash.
      Is she one of those trannies?
      There’s something that looks not quite right about her and I dont just mean her unladylike way of speaking.


    • Vanessa Reilly 22:48 on December 7, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      There”s no doubt that most British people expect any convict sentenced to 5 or 10 or 30 tears to serve the sentence.
      If judges think the convicts should be out years earlier than the due date then that’s what they should sentence the convicts to serve.
      The death penalty was abolished in the teeth of popular opinion. MPs have often voted to over-rule the people’s will and the only fair solution woukd be a referendum.
      I fail to understand why that woman Ash Sarkar is so hostile to democracy.
      It would also be very interesting to find out who is funding that Novara Media she works for.


      • Mark Wade 01:07 on December 8, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        A good question, Vanessa. Novara Media? You should investigate. I never heard of it before.
        Is it a monthly magazine? Is Ms. Sarkar this month’s centre-fold?
        If so, I don’t see them doing well.


  • ross1948 00:03 on October 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Jakarta bars, , men's nights, misteri jakarta   

    Misteri Jakarta – Where’s the Gents’ Night? 

    Well, it’s been a long day, mildly frustrating because that carpenter did show up but had failed accurately to measure the length of wood required…

    Hasil gambar untuk carpentry

    …so he sloped off again, till tomorrow morning – another early start, alas.

    Despite my residual flu, i was determined not to waste the day, so I smsed and was gratified that the recipient of my texted invitation was free for some serious cooking…


    Hasil gambar untuk dashing away with the iron


    ….and ironing.

    Our lovely capital city has many attractions, not least the ‘Ladies Nights’ that are a feature of many big hotels and bars.




    I was reminded of these a while ago when some idiot in Austria started whining about a ‘ladies night’ event being discriminatory!

    Ladies’ Nights ‘Unfair to Men!’ Seriously! 

    The clown was obviously oblivious to the fact that, although it’s the gals who get their drinks free…


    …the evening is ultimately beneficial to guys, who can haul their idle butts off the sofa, switch off the tv and head for the bar in question, secure in the knowledge that it will be positively TEEMING with chicks.

    These vary immensely in quality and provenance, one dead posh hotel near the old British Embassy building attracting busloads of Blok M slappers who, having failed to find rewarding companionship in their usual haunts, use those little white mini-buses that run north up Sudirman to try their in the ? Bar.

    I won’t identify it – everybody here knows where I’m talking about!

    At the same time, plenty of very respectable ladies drop by too, partly for the free cocktails, but also because they like the idea of meeting affluent foreigners with a view to a ‘deep and meaningful relationship!’

    But talking to a foreign fellow the other day, at a posh bar not far from that mentioned, I heard again the Jakarta urban legend, of a hotel bar with a men’s night, where blokes get free or discounted drinks!

    Assuming it’s not a shirt-lift-fest…


    …the logical corollary of what I’ve written above is that hordes of lovely ladies descend in order to take their pick of  the assembled freebie-swillers.

    This seems to me inherently improbable, as women don’t really like drunks…

    Hasil gambar untuk temperance lips

    …and exposure to a bar offering unlimited discount drink will render many men incapable, of chat or anything else!

    But one never knows.

    Has anyone actually ever chanced upon this terra incognita?



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