Hidup Nikita Mirzani, Artis Bukan HOT Aja Tapi Berani Dan Terus Terang!


I have long been a fan of Nikita Mirzani, ever since she stood up to the rabid element here in Indonesia.

Bravo, Yummy Nikita – Naked Defiance of IslamoNazis! 


That story concerned her readiness to appear in Playboy, a magazine whose innocuous Indonesian version was driven out of Jakarta by uptight primtives – it’s editor was actually jailed!   https://rossrightangle.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/nazis-go-nuts-as-playboy-editor-freed-weird-porn-judge/ 

Fortunately, in the end, sanity prevailed and his conviction for ‘indecency’ overturned.   Former Playboy Indonesia editor walks out from prison  He had served about six months of a two-year sentence!

So although Nikita’s latest headlines have concerned not liberty but lascivious conduct, or rather her denial thereof, I still feel it’s important to  chime in with a word of solidarity.

After our recent posts on poor Alvi, the starlet hounded for alleged involvement in a sex scandal…

Kasihan Amel Alvi – Jadi Korban Media Kejam! 




…media hacks with naught better to do have neen traipsing around seeking to ID yummy celebrities who might, or might not, be connected to the ‘posh prostitution’ racket.



nikita mirzani 02 Nikita chilling out


And Nikita perfected the put-down when she told assorted journos that she HAS had such offers in the past – and no surprise, because she’s a stunner – but she turned them down, because she didn’t want to.

She won’t go to bed with anyone she doesn’t like.

And that should  be the end of that!

I  believe her!




Enough said.