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  • ross1948 15:18 on May 31, 2021 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 'boys and girls', Birmingham, , Sarah Hewitt Clarkson n,   

    Why Has That Vixen Not Been Fired? 

    I was reading a very good piece from spiked.com…


    …about how cultural marxist – the author says ‘woke’ – subversion is ruining British schools, and that instantly made me think of that ghastly woman in the Midlands whom we noticed last year.

    Birmingham Brain-Wash – Another Judges V People Confrontation! 

    Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, headteacher at Anderton Park school.

    Simpering pinko Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson

    And sure enough, that vixen is back in the news again!


    In America, many state governors are acting responsibly, outlawing the cultural marxist brain-wash theory from schools in their jurisdiction.



    WHY is Britain’s ‘Conservative’ Secretary of State not introducing legislation to cleanse UK institutions of the Enemy Within, of whom Hewitt-Clarkson is a particularly putrid specimen!

    She is even encouraging children to intimidate their teachers by keeping count of ‘sexist’ words they wickedly use in class!

    The twisted twat should be drummed out of the teaching profession.

    PS –

    One curious aspect of the report is that a young woman described as a BBC reporter’ went onto GMB to disagree with the leftist head.

    Good for the critic!

    Though I fear for her future with UK Pravda!

    Primary School Bans “Sexist Terms” Such As “Boys And Girls”

    • Penny 19:44 on May 31, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Because the Tory Government doesnt care!


  • ross1948 20:25 on June 24, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Birmingham, , , ,   

    The Strange (Queer?) Death Of UK Conservatism… 

    We will look at Johnson again soon, but today comes the stomach-turning report from Birmingham, where his rival, Jeremy Hunt, not only endorsed the gaystapo jackboot policy we discussed  last week…

    ‘EXCLUSION ZONE?’ Not In Icy South Atlantic But In ‘Gay’ West Midlands! 

    …by expressing ‘his strong support for LGBT-inclusive lessons in schools..’


    …but made it crystal clear that he was fanatically in favour of intensifying Theresa May’s pro-homo indoctrination of little kids!

    Hunt asserted ‘his party must “leave no stone unturned” in ensuring every school in the UK is getting “the right message across to our children.”



    Bad enough, that a serious candidate for the leadership of what still calls itself the ‘Conservative Party’ can spout such decadent guff, but so much worse…




    …that his ‘comments reportedly received a standing ovation from the audience of Conservative party members in Birmingham…

    Clearly, that audience did not include any of the decent Birmingham parents being bullied by pinkos, leftist teachers backed up with police-state tactics.

    Brum’s Top Cop To Pro-Decency Parents – ‘Don’t Stage Even Lawful Protest

    Clearly, conservative values were absent from that ghastly get-together.

    Hunt has no shame – he ‘tweeted a video of the exchange alongside a further message of support for the LGBT+ community.’

    Hunt is also ignorant.

    For me, being gay is like being left-handed, it’s something you’re born with, and it’s not something you choose, it’s not something you can change. And that’s why we need to recognise every child needs to understand that.”

    I use ‘ignorant’ both in its literal sense, lacking knowledge, because plenty of queers have abandoned that wretched life-style choice…

    Gaystapo – Teachers Union Targets Cured Queers

    .From NYC – Proof Positive, ‘Gays’ Can Be Cured! 

    ….and in the colloquial sense, discourteous, offensive to left-handed people like myself!

    Who the hell wants to be bracketed with ‘bum-boys’  – as Bojo calls them – just because we don’t use our right-hand to tap out blog-posts on our lap-tops?

    So Hunt is a worse choice as Tory Leader than Johnson?

    You can decide for yourselves, once we post on the Domestic Incident Man in the next 24 hours!

    But if the lousy rabble that gave Hunt his ‘standing ovation’ represents today’s rank-and-file UK ‘conservatives,’ then whichever of them wins will find themselves leading a rotting corpse of a party…




    …into a political grave-yard.

    • Diana 23:33 on June 24, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Never Tory again, though I truthfully gave up on them years ago,
      Reading about Hunt’s ovation made me feel sick at heart, and in the stomach.


  • ross1948 18:10 on June 15, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Birmingham, Protest by parents   

    ‘EXCLUSION ZONE?’ Not In Icy South Atlantic But In ‘Gay’ West Midlands! 

    The term ‘Exclusion Zone’ has hitherto evoked memories of the Falklands War, when there was an aggressive violation of British rights in 1982..


    …but in June 2019?

    British rights are once more being assailed, not by an Argentine junta, but by teachers’ unions promoting the gaystapo agenda- and the victims are little kids in the English Midlands, and parents who have the guts to take a stand for decency.!

    Live updates: Anderton School LGBT protest High Court hearing – new exclusion zone imposed https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/live-updates-anderton-school-lgbt-16404743

    NB – I acknowledge that most of the brave parents concerned are Muslim but as the following Guardian story admits, there are non-Muslims too.  https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/may/31/high-court-bans-birmingham-school-protests-against-lgbt-lessons

    Monstrously, the gaystapo-fan establishment has now resorted to using the courts to smash resistance to their evil agenda.


    evil judge


    The above link tells more about that, and also reports a judicial crack-down on social media support for protests by pro-decency parents in the UK’s West Midlands…



    The hell with that!


    It seems a wee bit late –  but still timely –  to pick apart a sycophantic ‘interview’ by a Guardian Gargoyle  with a brazenly biased head teacher, a simpering pinko, named Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, who gets it all started by bursting into convenient tears!

    If it were an interview  with Adolf by a Nazi hack employed with the Voelkischer Beobachter  in 1939: it couldn’t be more uncritically obsequious.


    Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, headteacher at Anderton Park school.

    Simpering pinko Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson,

    It is tempting also to direct condemnation at another character, a queer who headed up the local pervert parade  – he’s the assistant head at one of the schools involved.

    His antics – showing his militant commitment to the brain-wash cause – should have got him fired.


    But instead let’s turn the spotlight on Hewitt-Clarkson, the  lachrymose leftist head, portrayed as an impartial educator, a lousy lie shot down by her own quoted words, about the pro-queer indoctrination law.

    It’s a good law!’ 


    As the best Tory leadership candidate ( now regrettably eliminated from that contest) Esther McVey, said the other day, parents should NOT have their right to teach their little ones about moral values usurped by the state.

    It’s a BAD law, devised and imposed by bad people, politicians and bureaucrats – and teachers – estranged from the country’s traditional values, which most normal working folk still cherish.

    But back to the blubbering bint!

    Drying her eyes between bouts of crying, she exposes the fakery of the so-called ‘consultations’ called for by the May government, which deny parents any right to safeguard their children from brain-washing.

    Oh, The Weeper will listen to parents, she says, but then she’ll no doubt make the situation crystal clear.



    She’ll do whatever she thinks will make the kids think differently from their parents, twisting a generation into the sick belief that ‘marriage’ between sexually maladjusted men is deserving of respect, and not only respect, but respect on the same level as the respect accorded to husbands and wives in a real marriage.

    Another Update?

    Now the West Midlands Mayor, a self-confessed queer, has played the next hand in the game of escalating authoritarianism-

    “You look at what’s being said and it’s really upsetting but it is actually ultimately homophobic and it is illegal and it has to stop now.” Birmingham LGBT row: ‘Homophobic protests must stop’

    Mayor Andy Street’s rant is the authentic voice of the gaystapo – ban free speech, because it’s “upsetting” degenerates and leftists.



    AND BTW – he’s a ‘CONSERVATIVE!”

    Deplorable, that what should be the party in the vanguard in the fight against cultural marxism has sunk to such a level of intolerance.

    But party lines mean little these days…


    Roger Godsiff

    Roger Godsiff MP


    …to his credit, Roger Godsiff, Labour MP for Hall Green, which covers Anderton Park, will be spoken to by the Labour Party’s chief whip after he told protesters “you’re right”.

    There’s a brave man whose days are numbered, at least in the party he’s in just now. We know that organised pinko homos – aka ‘The LGBT Labour Group’ -want him to lose the Labour whip.

    Might he be a possible recruit for a new party?


    Meanwhile, the injunction has been re-issued and made more comprehensive. 


    What was it Churchill said?

    “For it is evil things that we shall be fighting against…” 

    He could never have guessed how his prophesy would come to pass!

    • Ryan Benson 19:42 on June 15, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      You hit hard with this and good to see somebody is.
      Those Muslim parents are giving other parents a right showing up. I see your insert that some non-Muslims are with the protest but not that many.
      All parents, race creed or colour whatever, should be out defending their children from that indoctrination.


    • Noreen Paterson 21:40 on June 15, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Well said, naturally.
      I am however mostly interested in the Labour MP supporting working-class parents unafraid to speak about traditional morality.
      There were, once upon a time, many Labour MPs like him, especially in Scotland and Wales, but until today, I believed they were an extinct species, replaced by weedy men who never held a proper job and think heterosexuality is passe. The women Labour MPs are no better.

      But I was wrong.
      Mr. Godsiff is an honest to goodness traditional decent socialist, or so he seems to be, the kind of Labour MP my grandparents regularly voted for.
      Mr. Godsiff is a national treasure, in my opinion, and if Labour does expel him, any other party would be lucky to have him.


    • Addy Joyner 00:02 on June 16, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I have read more about that ‘Conservative’ Mayor who says it’s illegal to explain why one objects to children being told that homosex unions are as respect-worthy as real marriage.
      He was something of a star turn at a Tory Party Conference.
      That’s enough! It doesn’t matter who wins the party leadership, there’s not a chance I would ever rejoin.


    • Pamela 07:27 on July 20, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      You should write again about these brave parents, Ross, because their fight is continuing and they are doing what every responsible parent in the UK should be doing.
      I read this today – https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/07/18/those-protesting-muslim-parents-are-in-the-right/ – which is why I am commenting tonight.


  • ross1948 13:44 on May 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Birmingham, , , , ,   

    Brum’s Top Cop To Pro-Decency Parents – ‘Don’t Even Stage Lawful Protests!’ 

    Spouting the usual sloganised hogwash about ‘diversity,’ the West Midlands’ top cop has warned parents protesting against gaystapo indoctrination aka ‘LGBT Lessons,’ that he doesn’t care if their resistance is lawful or not!

    They shouldn’t be happening!




    Appalling to read of the bias of Birmingham’s police chief, Dave Thomson, who has bluntly refused to distinguish beween legitimate peaceful demonstrations and ‘unlawful protests’ against the ‘gay’ agenda in local primary schools.


    Image result for west midlands chief constable



    The point of having a police force is to prevent crimes, and according to this Dave Thompson geezer, there have been some ‘criminal offences,’ outside Birmingham’s Anderton Park Primary School  this month.

    So he’s quite right to show concern about those.

    But he is surely NOT entitled to intrude his own pro-queer prejudices into the huge controversy that has erupted over ‘diversity’ indoctrination of little children inside that school.




    Needless to say, large numbers of decent parents are up in arms, some 600 kiddies withdrawn on one day recently.

    These are good people who do not want their children taught rubbish like the ‘curriculum on equality,’ propaganda which claims that sexual perversion merits parity of esteem with normal human relationships.




    But telling home truths about homos is a bit of free speech too much for Thompson.

    His cops have been ‘monitoring’ the righteously indignant mums and dads and even though their peaceful protest has been ‘ lawful to date,’ Dave the Pinko Prattler has‘stepped in to express his increasing concern over the rhetoric of the protests.’

    This likely means that he can’t stand hearing voices that dissent from the ugly ideology that pervades Brum these days.

    He urged campaigners to consider the adverse impact their protests were having on “the reputation of the city, broader cohesion and, most importantly, the children at the school….


    ….Frankly, a primary school is no place for the continuance of a large-scale protest, however lawful.”

    On the contrary, it is exactly the place, if your sons and daughters are inside, facing ‘lessons’ calculated to subvert the values your family believes in.

    As most readers will be aware, the protesting parents are mostly, if not all, Muslims, and this bumptious blusterer aims his scolding directly at their creed, offensively juxtaposing their holy month with his political masters/comrades’ obsession with perversion…

    “In this holy period of Ramadan, and as we celebrate Pride in our city, I urge those involved and those who can influence these events to think again…


    elite arrogance-s

    …and bring this protest to an end.”\

    Condescending twit, that Thompson, but no worse than the elitist West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson, who is himself a former headmaster and so brazenly asserts that –

    “Teachers should be free to get on with teaching a full curriculum, that highlights and explains Britain’s full diversity without fear of protests or threats. All forms of equality are equally important.


    Why on earth should ‘all forms’ of anything be ‘equally important?’

    Some equalities make sense.

    Equal access to school library books is fair.

    Equal portions in school dinner rooms, sure!



    No discrimination against, equal consideration for, kids who like to eat only veggies, or only pork, with their mashed spuds, as agreeable alternatives to fish n chips at lunchtime.

    But if ‘Britain’s full diversity’ includes catering to, or promoting as somehow ‘natural,’ every citizen’s sexual maladjustments…


    …then are parents expected to allow cultural marxist teachers to instruct the little ones on the joys of bestiality, incest and pedophilia, as well as sodomy and transgenderism?

    Inconsistently, though, he at once wittered about how “schools need to work with parents,” the same parents, presumably whom he thinks should sit back and let teachers pump the gay agenda down their children’s throats.


    • Eli Allison 15:42 on May 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      What is wrong with all the non-Muslim parents?
      Are they content with having their children suffer a regular diet of pro-‘gay’ propaganda?
      Or are they scared because of the way Christians in Britain have been bullied by pro-‘gay’ police and politicians and even put in prison cells for preaching the Gospel?


    • Belinda Harris 16:04 on May 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      No wonder British people are no longer proud of their ‘bobbies’ they way they used to be!
      That cop is out of line to back one side of the issue like that.

      Like in my country, Canada, where many people never liked and still don’t like the ‘gay’ agenda, I see that police in the UK are prepared to force that on adults and children alike.
      Why should anybody have to honour ‘Pride?’ I would say ‘Shame’ would be a better way to describe what is going in.
      Parents are the ones to decide what kind of morality their children learn.
      Not cops and not ‘gay’ teachers.


    • Ned 18:33 on May 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Cops should not take sides unless the parents break the law.


    • Raymie Cruz 21:02 on May 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      What a terrible thing for any senior police officer to say.
      Where else should parents make their protest against school indoctrination but outside the school their children attend?


    • Iris 02:21 on May 28, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I think as Eli thinks.
      Why are non-muslim parents not fighting with the same energy as muslims and not only in West Midlands but in every city across the UK.
      In Canada when we had to battle over this in Ontario, we had a multi-faith coalition.


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