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  • ross1948 08:24 on June 1, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , GLSEN, ,   

    Hey, Target! Leave Those Kids Alone! 

    Totally disgusting behaviour by the Target store chain in the USA – hardly for the first time, unfortunately, as readers will remember…

    …but this time they have sunk to a new low.

    According to LifeSiteNews, Target department stores are not only offering clothing and accessories celebrating the gay lifestyle to adults and children, but the company has also pledged to donate to a nonprofit that trains students and teachers in LGBT politics and advocacy.

    Target’s website has several pages dedicated to products that promote the LGBT lifestyle, many of which are specifically designed for children. For example, Target offers shirts that declare, “Love my dads,” and another says, “Love my moms.” Others shirts are emblazoned with the rainbow flag bearing the word “pride” superimposed.

    These people, the Target bosses, are sickos.


    Target is also donating $100,000 to the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN), an organization whose primary focus in on indoctrinating school-aged students into organizing “gay” clubs in public schools across the nation.

    Did I say sick?


    Depraved might be a better word!


    GLSEN also offers lesson plans for elementary school children on “gender-neutral” pronouns and terminology as part of the Common Core curriculum as well as introducing gender ideology to third-graders.

    For adults, there are the “Pride Adult Gender Inclusive Iridescent Five Panel Hat,” “Pride Striped Bisexual Flag Bandana,” “Pride Striped Transgender Flag Bandana,” “Pride Adult Striped Gender Inclusive Jumpsuit,” and a number of other accessories and articles of clothing.


    1. Call Target headquartersat 612-304-6073 (option 2) and personally let them know you are boycotting their stores.
    2. Forward this informationto friends and family. Invite them to sign the boycott pledge at afa.net/target.
    3. Voice your concerns on Target’s Facebook page.

    Good for AFA!

    I hope this degenerate business doesn’t ever open branches here in Indonesia. People here have a healthy disrespect for the sort of scum who seek to brain-wash kids.

  • ross1948 11:12 on March 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , GLSEN, Kern's Bakery, , ,   

    As Gaystapo Jackboot Stomps, Questions For Trump! 

    So Donald Trump has pulled out of a planned appearance at the CPAC?

    That’s the Conservative Political Action Conference, one of America’s key rightwing organisations. He says he’s discovered a more pressing engagement, but is there more to it than that?

    Let’s approach the question by a detour through Italy!

    Did anyone see that ranting, hard-faced, Italian lesbian activist on tv last month? Her country’s Senate had just approved civil unions, but that was insufficient appeasement in ‘her’ view.

    • She gave the ‘gay’ game away totally, expressing ‘outrage’ that ‘gay’ couples were still unable to get their hands on defenceless children. ‘Gay adoption’ had been left out of the legislation, and she was beside herself.

    The Marxist Renzi regime in Rome would no doubt like to see that outcome come to pass, but he’d have lost the vote had he pressed too hard. 

    However, rest assured the insatiable appetite for further ‘gay’ gains will keep the pressure on. In fact, they’ve already heard, from one of Renzi’s ministers, that moves are afoot to oblige the agitators.


    judges rogue


    Much like America, where the Supreme Court’s incomprehensible edict on marriage has not stemmed the tide of gaystapo aggression.

    Read on…

    David and Edie Delorme have achieved the American dream. For more than a year now, the Delormes’ have owned and operated their very own business. Kern’s Bake Shop is a small town bakery they have poured their lives into. To the folks in Plainview, Texas, Kern’s is famous for petit fours and sugar cookies…and custom-made wedding cakes.

    They are obviously decent hard-working people, but…



    …then a pair of queers came mincing in.

    Edie was polite.

    “I was up front with them.. ” I said, ‘I’m sorry but we don’t provide wedding cakes for homosexual marriages. We don’t do cakes that might conflict with our spiritual convictions!

    Edie even offered to provide the gay couple with a list of bakeries that would meet their needs, but she said they simply walked out of the store.

    Hey, Edie, were you that naive?



    Did you really think that being helpful and courteous to that sort would save you from the vicious gaystapo jackboot.

    It took only a few days for the predicted retaliation from the homosexual community to begin. Today, David and Edie are under a vicious and unrelenting attack by homosexuals. Their family and business have been threatened with violence, hate-filled comments have forced them to shut down their Facebook page…

    The vindictive ‘gays’ are fuelled by hate and we’ve seen this all too often before….

    Help These Victims of America’s Gaystapo! 

    Let David and Edie know they don’t stand alone.






    But why mention Trump in our headline?

    From the get-go, I have always thought Ted Cruz was a more reliably conservative candidate.  Like Trump, he has said sensible things about Obama’s schemes to  amnesty illegals, and about Gitmo, and much else.

    And especially about the gaystapo!

    But I have so far just sat back and observed, to see how things pan out, because, being pro-American, I take the view that thwarting Clinton is the main thing, not who does so.

    Now, however, I read that Trump money has been pumped into the most unwholesome aspects of the ‘gay’ agenda.

    According to a 990 form filed with the IRS, the Donald J. Trump Foundation donated $20,000 to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in 2012 and another $10,000 to Gay Men’s Health Crisis.  https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/donald-trump-donated-to-group-that-promotes-homosexuality-in-kindergarten-f

    Don’t know much about the latter group, but if you read the linked article, you will learn that GLSEN is FOUL.

    Before The Donald storms further ahead in his drive towards the White House, it’s vital that he be required to give a clear explanation of whether he knew and approved of this  funding of the unspeakable.

    And asked if his decision to by-pass CPAC is to avoid being cross-examined on his foundation’s eagerness to subsidise GLSEN.


    • Joyce Travis 11:54 on March 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      I am so happy you have not fallen for Trump’s spiel. Many of us conservatives have been agonising over this man’s record because it is not conservative at all. The reason we have held back is because like you we think Hillary Rodham Clinton could be even worse than Obama and of course we want to save America from another four years of the bad things he’s done to our country.

      But after that debate, if you can call it a debate at all, with so much time spent on Donald’s private parts, voters are beginning to ask the kinds of questions you raise.

      Ted Cruz has a good conservative record against the gays’ campaign to take away our values and our freedoms. The other candidates records are patchy with compromise on this issue and only Senator Cruz has made definite promises to rebuild the USA as the founders intended it to be.

      I don’t know if Trump dropped out of the CPAC debate for the reasons you say but it is true he would have had to answer some very hard questions there and I don’t think he likes doing that.
      Thanks to you on behalf of this reader at least. You say what you think very honestly. I wish more people would do the same and specially Mr. Trump.


    • Sam Delgado 12:40 on March 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      It’s all about electability, Ross.
      I like what you write about everything and I know how bad these gaystapo people are but it’s just not a big enough issue with the voters.
      If you gave them a vote on issues then they would probably vote to get rid of gay marriage in most states but there’s no way that’s going to happen because the courts just over-rule what we, the people, want. .
      We are stuck with it until a future Supreme Court reverses it, like what happened with slavery.
      For the time being, it’s all about who can beat Clinton and I would say that’s Donald Trump.
      He is not conservative at all, but if he can build that wall and deport even half the illegals, then gay marriage is a price I’m prepared to pay.
      Cruz is a good man but he hasn’t got the wide appeal that Trump has and that is why I believe that the GOP establishment will decide to turn around and accept Trump unless the next primary round goes very differently than it’s expected to.
      But on GSLEN, I read about what they do and I would like to hear why Trump gave bad people like them any of his money but it’s not going to change who many people will vote for in the primaries. America is running out of time. .


    • Anton Karo 14:58 on March 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      You are hitting the nail on the head about GSLEN. Anybody who has seen how the gays have concentrrated so much energy on getting into the BSA knows exactly who they are interested in.
      It was only a few years ago that most parents encouraged their sons to become Scouts because it was a sincere organisation mostly linked to a local church in some way and it gave kids a chance to develop community conscience and have healthy summer vacation fun.
      Now that the BSA have surrendered and let homos in, more and more parents are switching to safe youth groups.
      As for Trump, did he know this money was going to GSLEN? If he did then I don’t think he deserves support from any Christian or Conservative. In fact I would add Jewish and Muslim or any caring parent of any religion to that. If he was ignorant of where the money was going or what GSLEN is trying to do to kids, then he has to guarantee these donations will never happen again.


    • DVUSA 17:55 on March 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Your heart’s in the right place, but you haven’t done as much research as you should before you put Trump on the spot.
      Try sticking this into Google when you go there on your next roving report trip !

      ‘Billionaire gay ‘marriage’ advocate backs Marco Rubio’

      Or this …

      ‘Trump slams Cruz for taking money from gay donors’

      A bit of a twist in that, Trump funding queer advocacy and queer advocates handing out money to his competiters. Maybe Trump isn’t so smart a businessman as he claims.

      I would never trust any politician. They are unfit for purpose. I read your article about the leftwing celebrities moving to Canada if Trump wins. Good riddance, and poor Canada.
      I think right-thinking people should move somewhere too, maybe Hungary, where rational people still run the show.


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