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  • ross1948 13:43 on June 18, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Colombian election, , , , , , Telesur   

    So You're 'Far-Right' If You Won't Appease Terrorism! 

    We might have expected Telesur, the ultra-left Latin American ‘news’ outlet, to brand Ivan Duque, who yesterday easily defeated an ex-terrorist in Colombia to become the country’s president, as the candidate of the ‘far-right…’

    Colombian FarRight Candidate Duque Wins Presidential Elections

    …but that’s Telesur. We have identified their brand of poison in the past!

    Here’s a clip from our post on another Latin American matter, a year and a half ago….

    Aliens Ice-Cold In Serbia? Ship ‘Em To Ecuador! 

    …when we described Telesur’s character!


    …a red rag-site called Telesur
    …which, if you hadn’t heard, is a multi-state funded, pan-Latin-American terrestrial and satellite television network sponsored by the governments of Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Bolivia.
    Telesur is a swamp of propaganda. 
    It publishes tantrum-esque tirades from creeps who hate European people prepared to resist invasion like last year’s demented diatribe demanding an end to Europe’s Racist and Murderous Migration Regime…

    Yes, that’s Telesur, but I just this morning heard some daft DW bint call Duque ‘far-right!’



    • Yet they are only following in the footsteps of some of the most rancid American media.


    • ==

    Gambar terkait

    In Colombia, FarRight and Hard-Left Candidates Will Vie for Presidency   New York Times27 May

    There is surely nothing ‘far-right’ about opposing a sell-out to terrorism…

    Hasil gambar untuk colombia marxist farc

    Colombian Sell-Out Santos Crawls To Reds, Betrays Democracy

    ….which leads us to ask why these foul propagandists (hardly journalists!) have chosen to smear Duque in this manner. 

    • Mort 16:08 on June 18, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Telesur is just marxist broadcasting and they make no serious effort to hide that.
      The NYT is still pretending to be a newspaper but as your cartoon shows, few Americans take it seriously as a news source.
      They always were bad and dishonest, going back to the 1930s and their Soviet Pulitzer putz, Walter the Liar. Nothing much has changed and nothing is going to.
      I would say now they have Soros as a share-holder, it might get worse, but that has to be impossible.
      When something hits rock-bottom, it cannot get any lower.


    • Grant Thornill 22:28 on June 18, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      This Duque wants to stop amnesty for terrorists. He thinks it wrong to bribe them with political power as a reward for them not murdering any more innocent people.
      That makes him far right.
      Can we have him running the UK for a few years?


  • ross1948 16:24 on January 14, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , cold weather, , , , , legislation, , , Telesur, ,   

    Aliens Ice-Cold In Serbia? Ship ‘Em To Ecuador! 

    So now we’re expected to feel sorry for a thousand Afghan and Pakistani men feeling the cold in Serbia…
    ….a country to which they were never invited and in which, according to the BBC News I just heard, they’re only squatting whilst planning how to gate-crash the sovereign borders of Hungary, or Croatia, or other unwilling host nations.
    out with them

    Sod those phoney ‘refugees!’ Refugee crisis: Afghanistan ruled safe enough

    Let them go home if they don’t like the weather.
    Or do they expect civilised countries not only to kow-tow culturally to aliens…
    devil destroyed
    ….but even alter their climates to suit crimmigrants?
    But wait!

    We have news of a country that has won words of praise from the pro-parasite UNHCR.

    First though, I need to explain how I got this information, lest I be accused of spreading CNN-style ‘fake-news.’
    Have a look at a familiar evil face, an SOB currently toasting in Hell, but honoured with this inspiring pic by a red rag-site called Telesur…
    …which, if you hadn’t heard, is a multi-state funded, pan-Latin-American terrestrial and satellite television network sponsored by the governments of Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Bolivia.
    Telesur is a swamp of propaganda.
    It publishes tantrum-esque tirades from creeps who hate European people prepared to resist invasion…
    Gambar terkait
    I was trying to find an illustration of ‘red hate!’
    ….like last year’s demented diatribe demanding an end to Europe’s Racist and Murderous Migration Regime…
    No surprise, given the ghastly bigot reds who fund Telesur!

    Venezuela is run by a nasty far-left regime whose contempt for democracy we have covered recently.

    Venezuela Today, UK By Autumn? Europhiliac Treason! 

    • fidel2
    • ————–
    Cuba, of course, is Latin America’s last amd most long-lasting dictatorship –  Mendacious Michael Moore and the Heroic ‘Wimps’ He Slandered  –  and, while I don’t know much about Uruguay, I do know that the others are also far-left.
    A new Ecuadorean law provides a progressive and humanitarian example that Europe — and the world — could learn from.

    No, that’s not what the UNHCR said, – it’s an example of Telesur bias. But no worries, it does reflect assertions of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, who has singled out Ecuador’s newly-passed Human Mobility Law as a model for protecting the rights of migrants and refugees.

    It was passed unanimously in the National Assembly last week…

    So if nobody in Ecuador minds legislating insanity, I don’t feel bad about saying that everyone in the wretched socialist republic should suffer the consequences.

    “UNHCR, in particular, applauds the provision in the law which confers refugees a migratory status as residents, favoring their full integration and thus allowing them to contribute to Ecuador’s development.”


    Let’s tell UNHCR to round up all the ingrates in Serbia, and all across Europe, and let The Donald corral all Obama’s illegals, and start shipping them south.


    I gather it’s nice and warm down there.


    They ought to like it better than Serbia.








    • Diana 23:28 on January 14, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I am so glad you are out there saying what so many of us think about this.
      Isn’t it boring what we get every hour from the media, all the time, trying to make out that these ‘migrants’ have anyone but their own ungrateful selves to blame for being in an environment that doesn’t suit them.
      If Ecuador is stupid enough to open its doors to these then that’s where they should go. .


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