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  • ross1948 17:00 on July 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 'divide and rule', , Christian Kern, , , , Marine Le Pene, , , , Salami Tactics, SPO socialists,   

    Left Launches Anti-Patriot Strategy – ‘Divide and Rule!’ 

    So today we seem focused on Austria, as in my previous post just minutes ago!

    That arrogant Socialist Party in Austria has shown us the latest example of the Divide and Rule strategy dredged up by Europe’s cultural marxist elite to thwart the patriot advance.



    Chancellor Christian Kern said the Freedom Party (FPO) must leave the far-right faction in the European Parliament if it wants to enter a coalition government with his centre-left party.

    Cheeky beggar!

    Has he volunteered to take his own party, the leftist SPO out of the Left bloc in Strasbourg?

    Has the SPO withdrawn from the Socialist International, which includes parties that are dedicated enemies of democracy?

    Corrupt Marxist gangs like Nicaragua’s Sandinista National Liberation Front?



    Or the Hungarian MsZP, which is simply the reincarnation of the Communist cabal that served as Kremlin quislings for decades?

    They’re not the only rotten apples listed on the SI’s own site – Member Parties of the Socialist International  – but you can check out the list if you have more time than I have!

    Hasil gambar untuk divide and rule


    Given his own party’s links to noisome reds, Kern is just being a cheeky beggar when he issued his latest arrogant ultimatum,


     “As long as … the FPO shares a faction with (French far-right leader) Marine Le Pen… the preconditions for deeper cooperation have not been met.”

    That tells us so much about the fear animating the European left-liberal ruling class, a fear engendered by the maturity of the people’s party in Austria, and its counterparts in France and Germany and Italy, and elsewhere, which have chosen to work together despite their various differences.

    Unlike the Left, which habitually spits on national pride, and sees only a supranational vision as worthy, patriots obviously are concerned with their own people’s security and welfare first and foremost. There are even old territorial issues, like that in South Tyrol, once Austrian, now Italian, which remain sources of friction.


    Austrian, French and Italian patriot leaders


    But leaders like Marine, in France, and Austria’s Hans-Christian Strache, and Italy’s Matteo Salvini, to name but three examples, understand that Brussels, and its lethal weapon, crimmigration, are a common threat to all.

    Accordingly, they have had the good sense to rise above differences and work together, as the Europe of Nations and Freedom bloc in Strasbourg, and elsewhere.

    That’s what’s got the reds in a tizzy, and that’s what has Kern crackling out this new demand….which met with a neat put-down by the FPO.

    …party secretary general Herbert Kickl said on Wednesday an alliance with the Social Democrats was not currently on its agenda. “As things stand at present we are not available for coalition talks with the SPO..”

    Fair enough. Methinks the SPO is dancing to Juncker’s tune. His hostility to democracy in general and Austrian patriots in particular was made glaringly clear last year.

    Tormented Europe’s Reward? ‘Do As You’re Told!’ Says Brussels 

    • Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, made clear at the weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he had been elected president of Austria.

    • ===============
    • Hasil gambar untuk juncker arrogant

      EU Vows To Use New Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right

    • …Brussels has, long before Junker’s era, been an inveterate foe of the Austrian people’s right to choose their own government. 

    Sanctions Against Austria Pose Troubling Questions for the EU

    But there’s a lesson here for UKIP in Britain.

    Their refusal to link up with Marine and other Continental patriot parties should be reviewed.

    I think it was largely the result of a fear of media reaction…



    …but the UK’s leftist media, the BBC, the Guardian etc., will NEVER go easy or play fair by UKIP.

    Just look at what we showed you earlier this month.

    Guardian Bigot- “Don’t Even Acknowledge Patriot Point Of View!”

    The Guardian’s guttersnipes gearing up for even lower tactics against the people’s party.



  • ross1948 19:36 on March 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Christian Kern, , , , , , Hooland, Kurz, , ,   

    No Dutch Triumph – But Every Extra Patriot Vote Counts! 

    So all the brou-ha-ha from the in-crowd about a Wilders take-over was just panicky prattling.  

    He didn’t get a majority, nor did anyone remotely expect this – in my own view, although much better than Rutte, some of his programme was counter-productive – but his party’s increased share of the vote was not large enough to put him in the driving seat.


    • =========
    • A set-back, but nobody expects every election in every European country to be a great leap forward in reclaiming nations for their own people.
    • What matters is that the collaborationist parties are put on notice that they can no longer take it for granted that they can mystify their electorates into voting along artificial class-war lines.
    • oooooo
      Interesting to note that the anti -American Rutte actually insulted US voters in his victory speech, and this arrogant intrusion into other countries’ domestic affairs was again echoed as his fellow-Brussels lap-dogs yelped into Holland’s internal politics.
    • Large majority of Dutch voters have rejected anti-European populists. That’s good news.”  – from the German Foreign Ministry.
    •  “Congratulations to the Dutch for preventing the rise of the far right,” French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.
    • If Putin had stuck his oar in, every leftist in the world would be outraged.
    • ——
      But that’s what double standards are all about.
    • -ooo
    • When measuring the Wilders effect, we need to compare the Dutch results to Austria’s, the narrow, but nevertheless regrettable, defeat of Herr Hofer last year. That was greeted by the Enemy Within as some sort of triumph.
    • Yet only last week, what did Deutsche Welle have to say on developments there?



    Fear of FPÖ driving Austria to the right?

    The coalition of socialists and phoney ‘conservatives’ in Vienna has been pushing strict new laws and threatening sanctions against migrants’ states of origin.

    That’s something they could have done long since, but better late than never?

    Sure, but why now?

    DW has to admit that ‘tough talk might help the moderates out-maneuver the right-wing FPÖ.’

    Now it’s obviously worth a round of applause that they aim to implement a law which will let authorities stop providing food and accommodation to refugees whose asylum claims have been rejected.

    In fact, when we read that the UN has criticized the initiative, we are confirmed in our intention to clap hands and cheer.

     Similarly, when the Foreign Minister, Herr Kurz, who has shown sense before…
    Kurz slams single sex courses for refugees
    …says that “people have a right to be upset if the EU is too weak to protect its borders, but still forces all the restaurants to change their menus over allergy guidelines…”
    Who can disagree? 

    His colleague, Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka  uses words I might myself have written.

    “The first thing is basically that they don’t get anything from the Austrian state if they don’t have the right to stay here. Is that so hard to understand?”

    Common sense!

    Again, DW has located a rational academic who confirms my view that the government has been shockingly dilatory.

    Austrian political analyst Helmut Pisecky told DW on Wednesday. “For two years, the government has been dealing with asylum seekers, integration issues, and the refugee influx, and it took them so much time to organize a response.”

    Almost all Austrians know this to be true, although they also understand that the Berlin Bitch is the source of so many of the evils that afflict their country.


    But the inadequacy of the Vienna Coalition’s thinking is revealed when we read that Kern, the Socialist Chancellor, issued a strong endorsement for Merkel’s rival Martin Schulz. 
    “After a phase of little optimism, a political turning point in Germany is within reach,” Kern said in Bavaria.
    It might be fair to say that Satan Himself would not be significantly worse than Mama Stasi, but Schulz?

    Martin Schulz gets the blessing of Liar Juncker, arch-enemy of all free nations.

    He’s a EurocRat to his boot-heels, and would do nothing to institue self-determination…

    How Dare German Patriots Offer The People Democracy!

    …or alleviate the crimmigrant cancer in his own country, much less in Austria!

    The Left is morally bankrupt.

    Wilders did lose, in one sense.

    But he did increase his tally of votes and seats, and the ripple effect of that advance will continue to spread, both influencing other parties, who may not see sense but will see electoral advantage in edging towards patriot polices…

    …and also stirring many ordinary people, who had long since given up hope of hearing leaders who put their country first.

    As the Rolling Stones once sang…



    • Diana 23:54 on March 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      All very true, Ross but there’s another thing to think about, the Erdogan Effect. That Turkish dictator’s outbreak of noise and insult was perfect for Rutte. It gave him the chance to act tough and it’s normal for people to rally behind their government when its seen to be up against an aggressive foreign power.
      I don’t think Erdogan timed it deliberately but it must have helped Rutte a lot.


  • ross1948 00:03 on February 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , blame-game, Christian Kern, , , , , ,   

    Austria Lets Ingrates Pour In, Then Blames USA! 

    Austria’s Chancellor, Christian Kern, is a a bit of a wimp, wallowing way down in the polls, while shrilly shilly-shallying to stave off defeat by the FPO patriot party in the country’s next elections.
    Gambar terkait
    It was the coalition of Kern’s Socialist Party (SPO) with the phoney ‘conservatives’ of the OVP – Vienna’s Phoney ‘Conservatives’ Urge Vote For Far-Left!    – that stood back supinely, allowing hordes of primitives to march in when Mama Stasi Merkel sounded the ‘come-one, come-all’ call to Germany, only two years ago.
    Much of that horde marched through, en route to Mama’s trough, but plenty decided that the free-loading life afforded by Austrian tax-payers was a good reason to stop in the small Alpine land.

    The consequences have been nightmarish, not least for the women and girls molested by savage aliens.

    Austrians Face Rising Tide Of ‘Asylum’ Crime! 

    Poor Little Unaccompanied Minor Migrants 

    “Attacks Now A Daily Routine..:” So DyeThat Blonde Hair

    Predators and Child Molestors
     And not just women and girls.

    Court Jesters? Austrian Justice Is A Sick Joke! 

    Don’t forget the raped boy!
    All this misery is ENTIRELY down to the Vienna Coalition’s spineless failure to use their small but well-trained armed forces to halt the rabble on the borders…
    …and expel those thousands of the horde who had already stomped through the frontier.
    Instead of resigning and letting an indignant electorate judge this betrayal via the ballot-box, Kern ad Co. have been casting about for some means of seeming tough.
    The recent burka ban was one example.
    Yet even with that small step in the right direction, Kern cravenly distanced himself, a mealy-mouth par excellence. Austria moves to ban full-face veil – The Local
    So how DARE he blame America! 

    There is no doubt that America shares responsibility for the refugee flows by the way how it intervened militarily,” Kern said…

     Damn fool.

    Thanks be that Vienna had better men around when the Turks were at the gates of the city in 1683!


    Kern’s stupidity is boundless.

    Get this!

    “The entry bans against seven Muslim countries are… highly problematic. We should win these countries as allies in the fight against [radical] Islamism, not define them as adversaries.”

    Iran an ally against Islamism?



    Taking Aim At Ayatollahs’ Sectarian Sexism! 

    A theocratic tyranny that forces women into shariah scarves, and holds ‘elections’ in which every candidate has to approved by those inolerant ayatollahs?



    Klutz Kern reckons that cess-pool can be ‘won’ as an ally?


    C’mon, FPO – your country needs you.

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