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  • ross1948 20:45 on April 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, , , ,   

    Will Indonesia Settle For ‘Fake Peace?’ 

    So President Jokowi welcomed some Muslim clerics to his palace, in order to get them ‘in line amid tension?’

    Jokowi gets clerics in line amid tension

    And one of them afterwards admirably told the media that- “As we live in a pluralistic country, we want real peace, not fake peace.” 

    But whatever that particular cleric meant meant by ‘fake peace’ -and who knows, for Pete’s sake – it’s a great pity that Lukman Hakim Saifuddin…




    …Jokowi’s Minister for Religious Affairs, of whom many of us once had high hopes…

    Lukman Slams Pesantren Fanatics – Can One Brave Man Slay The Hydra

     …admitted that the clerics had not specifically discussed sectarian issues plaguing the Jakarta election, as they were focusing on maintaining harmony across the country.

    It’s true that other blots on the country’s copy-book do exist, as our various reports have noted last year and this year…

    Bekasi Jihadist Jerks Amok – Police Tear-Gas Hate-Gang! 

    Tanjung Balai’s Burning Temples – A History of Bigotry! 

    …but the horrifying spectacle of Jakarta’s Christian Governor, Ahok, being put on trial, in the 21st century, for the mediaeval ‘crime’ of ‘blasphemy’ is surely THE outstanding example of what’s going wrong with this lovely archipelago.

    What would have been a refreshing outcome of the presidential conclave would have been a joint declaration by Jokowi and his guests that the ‘Mind-Set Revolution…’


    President Jokowi


    …which he promised in his hard-fought election, two years ago, has to include an end to timidity in confronting and defeating the backward brutes we have seen marching – shuffling, actually – through Jakarta, shrill savages demanding that Ahok be ‘burned.’

    Those ‘religious’ fanatics who howl for blood…

    “We encourage the government to process the death penalty for Ahok as soon as possible,” said Rizieq.  http://www.suara.com/news/2016/10/14/134313/

    …should be denounced, and no responsible citizen of any rank should share a platform with such sectarians.

    And what about the’Indonesian Council of Scholars?’


    MUI’s splendid offices in Jakarta


    The MUI should be isolated and denied a single rupiah of state funding, until the self-styled ‘scholars’ repudiate the primitive pronouncements we have heard from them, those awful voices extolling FGM as a ‘human right,’ or demanding that ‘adulterers’ should be whipped or even stoned.

    Ain’t Just Ahok – More Indonesian Dissenters Behind Bars! 

    What decent Indonesians, of all creeds, would surely cheer to hear is a clear, unambiguous assertion by all parties and every cleric with a commitment to a civilised democracy that it is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable to use, or incite others to use, violence, state-sponsored or not, against so-called ‘apostates’ or ‘blasphemers.’


    • Behead-Prophet
    • Such savages are not unique to Indonesia


    Naturally, there are many – both politicians and clerics – who will not join in such denunciations.

    Anyone who wants to see a shariah state – whether they call it an ‘Islamic Republic’ or not – will not, cannot, be part of any ‘mind-set revolution.’

    They should be its targets.

    As for those who serve the caliphate cause, who would see their country subordinated to an alien authority located in Istanbul or Mosul or anywhere – is that not grounds for the police to look into treason charges?



    Other Muslim countries have outlawed Hizbut Tahrir.

    The fact that some Western non-Muslim nations…

    Hizbut Tahrir UK – “When ‘Moderates’ Talk of Peace, They’re Lying!” 

    …lack the guts to do so should not hinder Indonesia in using legislation to express its abhorrence of subversive sectarian ideologies.






  • ross1948 19:00 on July 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Ministry of Religion, , ,   

    Tanjung Balai’s Burning Temples – A History of Bigotry! 

    Indonesian authorities detained seven suspects in northern Sumatra Island on Saturday for allegedly attacking several Buddhist temples.

    Indonesia: Police detains 7 after attacks on Buddhist temples




    A spokeswoman for the North Sumatra provincial police said the suspects were a part of a mob that damaged at least three temples in Tanjung Balai town, near Medan, the fourth-biggest city of Indonesia…

    But the police said the attack was not aimed at the Chinese community. “This was just a (dispute between) individuals…” 

    And so it may have been.

    But local reports say the police repeatedly called on the nasty rabble to disperse but incitement on ‘social media’ brought the malignants back.


    buddha-statue A statue that tells a story


    Before anyone draws conclusions, let’s remind ourselves of the history of vicious Islamist sectarian bigotry focused on a Buddhist statue in Tanjung Balai.

    Indonesia Inquisition Ministry Turns Guns Against Buddhists – Statue Downed at Islamist Behest 

    That outrageous episode took place, of course, more than five years ago, and we have a different President and, thank God, a very different Minister of Religious Affairs.



    Once the pig-ignorant savages who committed this latest blasphemous arson are dealt with, perhaps President Jokowi could demonstrate his commitment to the pluralism he often preaches by restoring that statue in our photo to pride of place in Tanjung Balai?

    And perhaps Minister Lukman could atone for his predecessor’s shortcomings by going up thee to unveil it personally.


    • JazPen 07:47 on August 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for that, Ross
      I remember your previous piece about that statue and thats why I am very dubious about the police claim its just a squabble between individuals.
      The racket from mosques is bad enough but when they turn violent against people forced to complain about the loud droning, there is no way its a personal squabble.
      The government and police dont like this real picture getting out to the world.
      Keep up the good work.


    • Irawan 12:29 on August 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      The mob again shames Indonesia.


    • Sally Kantel 17:46 on March 19, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I never knew about how bitterly bigoted these Muslim mobs are against Buddhists.
      I thought it was just Christians who got persecuted, like those poor people you have shown us in West Java.
      I only look in on your blog now and then so I must have missed this before now.


  • ross1948 11:54 on June 6, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, , ,   

    Ramadhan Begins! Sectarian Reminders Issued! 

    “Based on all the input we received, we decided that the first day of Ramadhan will fall on Monday, June 6,” Lukman Hakim told reporters at a press conference.  http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/06/05/indonesia-declares-ramadhan-beginsmonday.html

    I do wish my Muslim friends and neighbours a Happy Ramadhan.

    But off we go again, those silly little curtains erected across the front of street food stalls, like my little warteg where I usually go for a filling two-dollar lunch…



    ...a peculiar fanatic folly, as if passing Muslims will forget their fasting if they catch sight of me tucking into perkadel, tempe, tahu pare, etc.

    In fact, it will enhance their virtuous self-denial if they see me eating, because what sort of commitment to abstinence is it, what sort of will-power do they need to muster, if alternatives are hidden from their gaze?

    The same point arises in respect of Lukman’s further words.

    The minister also called on owners of entertainment businesses, especially nightclubs, to temporarily close or adjust the running of their businesses during Ramadhan to respect the fasting month.

    Why on earth should they close?

    That’s not ‘respect’ but a kow-tow!

    Not every Muslim feels like experiencing a month of tedium. And Jakarta has large minorities of Christians, Buddhists etc. who are not fasting at all!

    As mentioned in past posts, the late President Gus Dur, a noted Islamic scholar, had a healthier perspective, viz.


    • gus dur fasting

    ‘If we fasting Muslims want respect, let us also respect those who aren’t fasting.’


    In other words, live and let live!

    If you don’t want to eat and drink and have fun, fine, but it’s outrageous to tell others, who do want to carry on as normal, that they may not.


    • main-lukman-hakim4

    Minister of Religion Lukman


    • Lukman is a fairly sensible minister, a huge improvement on his predecessor, the notorious Suryadharma Ali, whom we used to report on all too often.

    Ali1 Ali  

    Good Indonesians Denounce ArchBigot Ali’s Latest Intolerant Outburst


    But whatever Lukman thinks himself, he has many intolerants to reckon with, not merely the IslamoNazi hoodlum gangs like the FPI…



    IslamoNazi FPI louts practicing devout introspection at a previous Ramadhan


    …but also the state-sponsored self-styled ‘scholars’ of the MUI, whose leaders talk against violence but can then engage in verbal diarrhoea like this. .

    Islamist ‘Scholars’ – “Don’t Complain if You’re Attacked!” 

    So we just have to put up with the sectarian shut-downs, though not without complaint – I’ll be recording some of the antics in the weeks ahead.

    But here’s what’s most disturbing about Lukman’s statement.

    “I also remind the media to support the government’s mission to preserve harmony during the holy month,” he added.

    Well, some of the media are under year-round censorship here. Even the film ‘Noah’ was outlawed…

    Noah’ Banned – Who’s Next? State Censors or Sectarian Enforcers? 

    … and in the past, the MUI have used the state censor board as a cypher to apply their prudery.

    Dimana Bokong2nya? – Where Are Our Buttocks? 

    But exactly what does the Minister means about the media’s role?

    That merits further study. I’ll be back. 

  • ross1948 13:45 on June 13, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , civic militia, closure, coercion, , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Minister of Religious Affairs, , , , noise, opening hours, , ,   

    Well Said, Sir! Some Sense on Ramadan Shut-Downs…BUT! 

    Well, after reminding you all of what could most kindly be described as the careless talk we once heard from the MUI’s Amidhan about Ramadan … 

    Islamist ‘Scholars’ – “Don’t Complain if You’re Attacked!” 

    …I am delighted to note that he has talked some good sense, according to a Tempo.com report.

    Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Amidhan Shaberah, said the closure of the food stalls during Ramadan is a tradition….not related to the state. According to him, there should be no controversy over whether food stalls should be opened or closed.

    Amidhan-MUI-2011 Amidhan


    He recognised that in some areas they will close because that’s what the people, presumably including the stall-holders, want to do. Fair enough, so long as there’s no coercion by bigot bullies, like these IslamoNazis in Makassar.

    • FPI_13
    • Even so, said Amidhan, in other areas stalls can still be opened because many people are still in need. “Leave it to the respective areas in accordance with tradition.”
    • congratulationssuperjob
    • It turns out that this latest discussion of the topic arose because Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin, whose tenure as Minister of Religion is a welcome change from his bigot predecessor, Suryadharma Ali, has declared that people who are not fasting should be respected.


    main-lukman-hakim4 Lukman


    Stalls, said Lukman, do not need to be closed for Ramadan.


    The Government, he said, does not need to make rules whether the food stalls should be closed or not. “Leave it to tradition and awareness.”

    Excellent, echoing the words of the late Gus Dur on the same issue. 


    gus dur fasting

    ‘We Muslims should fast with respect for those not fasting.’ -A REAL Muslim scholar, the late President Gus Dur


    But even as we read this outbreak of common sense, another Tempo report reminds us that there’s a long way to go before the state takes its sticky-beak nose out of where it shouldn’t be.


    Jakarta’s SatPol PP (civic militia) have launched their annual prudery blitz on people who like to have fun! Their operation was endorsed by the capital’s Vice Governor, Djarot Saiful Hidayat.

    He announced that the city would restrict the operating hours of nightclubs during Ramadan. He wouldn’t hesitate to take stern action against the owners of nightclubs that violate these rules.

    Why the heck should hours of revelry be restricted? Yes, if disco music is drowning out the sermon at a nearby mosque.

    But mosque loud-speakers here can hold their own against any poor DJ.  https://rossrightangle.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/mosques-above-the-law-too-sensitive-to-enforce-noise-control-and-criticism-an-outrage/  Nor do they need to comply with city rules, so we’ve seen.

    But the point surely is that if people feel like praying or whatever, they can, and same with the self-denial from terrible fleshly pursuits, like singing, dancing and drinking.




    Nobody rushes out of bars to drag the passing faithful in. Nor does anybody force anyone else, least of all the devout, to stay out late having a good time.

    If there’s no alternative to being self-denying, it’s not self-denial, merely sectarian coercion.



  • ross1948 13:29 on June 5, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , irama jawa, , Javanese rythm, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Majelis,   

    Why Apologise? Religion Minister’s ‘Sorry’ To IslamoNazi Thug Gangs 

    If a mob of bigot louts take exception to something you’ve done – especially if you see nothing wrong with it yourself – would you sit down with the nasty brutes and say how sorry you were that you hurt their feelings?




    Well, that’s what Lukman, Indonesia’s Minister of Religious Affairs, has just done with a couple of the most vicious hoodlum gangs in the archipelago, the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) and the Indonesian Mujahidin Council.


    • main-lukman-hakim4 Lukman


    All the sadder, since we only just praised him last week for his action, which was a breath of brave fresh air. Jokowi On Blasphemy Charge? Java Rhythm ‘Enflames’ Fanatics! 

    “Of course I’m sorry…I apologize for the incident,” said Lukman,

    Incredibly, this wretched climb-down took place in his own office!




    Why would a government minister allow fanatic gang-leaders into his ministerial headquarters? Any normally house-proud citizen wouldn’t let them past the garden-gate!

    If such anti-social undesirables somehow gained entry to any property of mine, I’d be tempted to have the premises fumigated. 

     But not Lukman.

    Despite the record of both the FPI….IslamoNazis V Freedom-Fighters? – Some Chicken, Some Neck! and the Majelis Mujahedin…..https://rossrightangle.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/islamonazi-thugs-attack-indonesian-artist-in-jogja/   – both infamous for cowardice and brutality – he not only let them in and sat them down – but went on to crave their forgiveness!

    Lukman insisted he never intended to disparage Islam with the Javanese style in the recitation of the Qur’an; it was an attempt to give new color in the propagation of Islam nuanced to the archipelago, with no intention of damaging Islam.

    Did they apologise in return for accusing both Lukman and President Jokowi of blasphemy and/or apostasy, over that trifling variation in the rhythms at the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque??

    Who gives a damn?

    Apologies from the likes of these hate-gangs would be no more sincere than any other of their protestations.


    However the two hate-gangs above responded to Lukman’s sorry statements, there was one familiar voice spitting sectarian venom…yes, it was the inimitable AL K.


    Al KhatatAl Khathath

    Lively Hustings Likely in West/North Jakarta! 

    Al is a senior figure in the state-funded MUI, a former HizBut Tahrir notable and also no less than the Secretary General of the FUI. He’s the charmer we just can’t keep out of our reports.  

    Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Muslim Forum, Muhammad al Khaththath said he disagreed with Lukman Hakim, as Javanese styling of the Koran went beyond the limit of tolerance.


    This is the creature who wanted to have an atheist killed for speaking his mind on religion. https://rossrightangle.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/another-nail-in-freedoms-coffin-indonesian-atheist-jailed-for-blasphemy/

    Did you let him into your office too, Lukman? 

    I sometimes begin to understand those foreigners who despair of the future here.


    But I refuse to give up hope. Most Indonesians are nice.

    Sooner or later, Insh’Allah, their voices will be heard.


  • ross1948 20:29 on May 15, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: art galleries, , , , Islamic teachings, , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Prophet cartoons, ,   

    Good Muslim Minister Warns Off IslamoNazi Hoodlums – BUT! 

    A pleasant day near done, an enjoyable visitor from mid-morn till afternoon, then a walk to the warteg where perkadel awaited me in abundance.

    Now savouring a gin and root-beer (seriously – experimental evening) while I wait for that new TV series ‘Wayward Pines,’ much promoted –  but will it live up to expectations?

    Good to hear a bit of sense from Indonesia’s Religious Affairs Minister, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin. His predecessor, Suryadharma Ali, was such an intolerant fanatic that he became a regular fixture on this blog of ours.

    Good Indonesians Denounce ArchBigot Ali’s Latest Intolerant Outburst

    ali heretical typically asinine Ali rant

    Lukman, a rational human being, is not so headline-grabbing a character, but deserves regular mention for the welcome contrast to ArchBigot Ali.

    Anyway, Lukman has urged Indonesian Muslims to keep a cool head over a recent Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in the United States.


    main-lukman-hakim4 Lukman

    “All Muslims should not be overly provoked by the activity and conduct violence….That is not part of Islamic teaching.” 


    • fpi kill busddhist

    Pity Lukman’s interpretation of those teachings has not yet percolated into the benighted brains of Indonesia’s IslamoNazis! 


    Lukman said that Muslims were at liberty to voice their opinions about the offending contest through public dialogue. “Muslims can protest in civilized ways because Muslims do not react through brutality or other improper ways.”

    Good for him!

    The minister also urged non-Muslims to understand Islamic teaching forbids representations of the Prophet, and added that the contest was not appropriate.

    Yes, and Islamic teaching also forbids the consumption of pork and the drinking of beer. I do both, as often as time and money permit. That’s my business and if it offends others, tough – I don’t make them join in.

    I don’t draw either respectful or rude pictures of Lukman’s Prophet. It wouldn’t occur to me to spend my time doing so, but if other non-Muslims do, then it’s up to them.

    They are not Muslims, so are in no way obliged to abide by ‘Islamic teachings.’ And Muslims are not obliged to look at any drawings they deem ‘inappropriate!’

    So no offence need be taken.

    Under no circumstances should cartoonists be penalised, never mind be physically harmed. Peaceful protests by those who don’t like their work would be entirely in order. Pig-ignorant calls for beheading etc. should be an arrestable offence. 

    Muslims, if any ( unlikely) there be any who wish to draw ‘blasphemous’ pictures, may of course expect penalties, but only in terms of a ban from religious activities, like attending mosques or getting imams to solemnise weddings or funerals.

    Of course it goes without saying that there cannot be any legal/criminal proceedings against them in any democratic society.

    And another thing!  

    Pak Lukman reminds us that “Muslims believe they must not visualize their prophets because pictures can never fully capture these figures.” 

    NB  – PLURAL! Prophets.


    Muslims have several, including Nabi Isa, better known to Christians as Jesus!

    A Statue of Jesus Among the Rubble in Temanggung Image of Jesus, vandalised by Islamist savages in Temanggung, Central Java, 2011

    So if we create likenesses of Christ, like Slavador Dali’s famous picture, are we then going to have to put up with MORE  childish tantrums?



    • —-
    • What about those magnificent paintings that depict God Almighty? Are we to shut down our great art galleries for fear of hurting hyper-sensitive feelings?

    It really is about time that we heard the last of all this uptight stuff about ‘hurt feelings.’


    Being offended is part of life.

    I referred recently to the ill-mannered baggages who refused to shake my hand, covering their own hands with various pieces of cloth, to avoid the abhorrent touch of my haram skin!

    Much of my social life involves Muslims, and they agree with me there is no Islamic teaching that requires such primitive rudeness. They recognise that such conduct is grossly and gratuitously offensive.

    But I’m a big boy and didn’t threaten to behead the sad bigoted bints. I just felt sorry for their backwardness, and carried on with my day, not even the tiniest tantrum thrown.

    To offensive oafs, or oafesses, it’s enough to say –

    Just bloody well grow up!


    “Muslims believe they must not visualize their prophets because pictures can never fully capture these figures,” 

    “It’s true that we have the right to express ourselves. However, freedom is not limitless. “Freedom is limited by our responsibility to respect other people.”

    Okay, Pak Lukman -make a start by telling those pathetic rude cows who won’t shake hands to lay off the pig-ignorant discourtesy.



     – why get uptight over sad, indoctrinated door-mats?


    • Lairedion 00:26 on May 16, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      Hey mister Ross, long time no read. Good article and I entirely agree. Many of my own Muslim relatives shrug their shoulders and say: “I don’t care” when asked about or confronted with these cartoons.

      I’m planning to visit Jakarta this August so perhaps we can meet. I’ll keep you posted.

      All the best,


  • ross1948 09:50 on November 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, ,   

    Lukman Slams Pesantren Fanatics – Can One Brave Man Slay The Hydra? 

    main-lukman-hakim4 Lukman


     Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia should teach students to embrace diversity, and steer clear of radicalism and violence, Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin said on Wednesday. 

    Brave words, Lukman, and I tend to believe he means what he says. 

    Religious Liberty! Lukman Lights a Candle of Hope! 

    After the nightmare intolerance of his predecessor, Suryadharma Ali, Lukman’s brief tenure at the Ministry has been a breath of fresh air.  

    But if he seriously intends to take on the Forces of Darkness that lurk in many pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) he’s got his work cut out, a herculean task, literally. 

    It was the legendary Herakles who took on and slew the multi-headed Hydra, and while some of these religious schools undoubtedly are run by decent folk, the number that don’t runs into THOUSANDS.  

    That’s not my guesstimate, nor a wild claim by some ‘Islamophobe.’ 



    “What Islamic boarding schools should teach is inclusivism and nationalism, not radicalism — that is what makes these schools Islamic,” the minister added.

    So how many pesantren are NOT Islamic, if Lukman’s definition is valid?

    Here’s a clip from a previous post, published during the reign of Lukman’s fanaticial predecessor. Although it’s quite long, it is informative, taken from local Indonesian sources. You’ll see that Lukman’s own Ministry officials differ dramatically in their answer to that question.

    A ‘handful?’



    Choirul Fuad Yusuf, director of pesantrens at the Religious Affairs Ministry, said only a handful of the roughly 27,500 pesantrens across the country could be categorized as radical or espousing a rigid understanding of Islam. 



    The growing chorus of accusations that the country’s pesantrens, which teach a combined four million children, are hotbeds of radicalization, Choirul said, are unfounded. To claim that they are “places for terrorists to grow, that is wrong,” he said, arguing that most pesantrens taught tolerance and pluralism.

    What is Choirul’s definition of tolerance and pluralism? He works for the Ministry of Religious Affairs. So his boss is Suryadharma Ali, arguably the biggest bigot in President SBY’s Coalition ( I say arguably only because some other Ministers are pretty bigoted too) Ali wants the Ahmadis banned. He hates the thought of those peaceful minority members having the same rights as followers of other creeds…..  

    Having declared that only a ‘handful ‘ of pesantren are ‘radical’ or ‘rigid,’ Choirul is suddenly contradicted by his colleague, Nuhrison M Nuh. Nuh redefines what most of us would understand as a ‘handful.’

    •    “There are THOUSANDS of unregistered pesantren in the country that have been teaching radicalism to students for years,” said Nuhrison M. Nuh, head of the ministry’s research and development department.

    Right, from a handful to thousands. So what is Nuh going to do about that?

    “It’s hard to control them because they’re established by respected local people.”

    Respected? Islamist fanatics indoctrinating youngsters are ‘respected?’ By whom? Are we talkng about stagnant primitive pools like Cikeusik, where a recent JG report suggested many of the villagers hailed the February Pogrom scum as heroes? 

    “Most of these shady pesantrens are financed with money raised in the Middle East, where their founders went to school and where they still have friends and teachers with whom they have maintained close ties….



    ….in such cases, Nuhrison said, both the Religious Affairs Ministry and the National Education Ministry were powerless to shut the schools down.

    “If we do, then we stand accused of violating their right to freedom of expression, which in turn will lead to more conflicts,” he said. “So we can do virtually nothing. We’re in a dilemma because we’re bound by the need to respect freedom of expression.”

    Oh, so freedom of expression for IslamoNazis is sacrosanct, but freedom of religion for Ahmadis is not?

    Nuh says that his Ministry has talked to 40 such schools in six provinces, with positive results, but thatnone of the schools were among those considered overtly radical by the government.’

    So now his staff are‘drawing up a list of the pesantrens that are either unregistered or known to be preaching radicalism, which is expected to be completed next year. “We’re working with officials from Pakistan, Egypt and Iran in compiling this list,” Nuhrison said.

    This is getting weirder. The IslamoNazi schools can’t be touched on human rights grounds, but there’s going to be a (likely very long) list drawn up? Why?  So Nuh’s men know which schools not to bother….?

    in fact I’d be most curious to learn which of the forty schools mentioned above are GENUINELY into tolerance.

    Before all these NGOs (and Western governments which, despite the fact that NGO means non-governmental organisation, seem to be heavily involved with them) start pumping money and/or materials into these pesantren, let’s get one thing straight.  It may well be true that only a minority of Islamic boarding schools are into actual terrorism.  


    • freedom-of-religion
    • —————————–
    • But a large proportion of pesantren are rotten to the core with primitive sectarian intolerance. Financing them in any way is funding the war on religious liberty which they and the other Islamist forces in society are waging on their innocent Ahmadi fellow-citizens.

    Don’t believe me? Think it’s just Ross on his hobby-horse? Well, here’s a link to Harian Pelita, an article published exactly a year ago today.


    You can translate it yourself, but here’s the gist, and the appalling bigotry of these people has to be read carefully to be fully appreciated.

    The Majelis Silaturahim Kiai Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren se-Indonesia  – that’s the All-Indonesia Council of Pesantren Leaders  (MSKP3I) ‘are pushing the government to disband Ahmadiyah organizations in Indonesia.’


    Sealed Ahmadi Mosque in Bekasi, West Java


    The MSKP3I statement was read out by Andi Djamaro Dulung after the meeting at Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah, Jakarta, Wednesday (1 /9/10) and it said that MSKP3I assesses Ahmadiyah as a group outside Islam, and the organization must be disbanded.

    The decision was taken in the forum “Bahtsul masail” (discussion of issues in terms of Islamic law) which was attended by, among others, KH Ma’mun al Ayyubi, Salam Wahab KH, KH Hasbullah Ali, KH Mahrus Amin, al Anshori Ahya KH, and KH Abdul Ghofur.

    The report also notes that Andi is a former chairman of NU, the ‘moderate’ organisation quoted in the JG item above. Some moderates, right? 


    Andi Djamaro


    “We ask that the government do not hesitate in taking action,” said Andi Djamaro. Yeah, so moderate. Let the state strike down freedom of worship!

    Chairman MSKP3I KH Noer Muhammad Iskandar SQ who hosted the meeting, added that the Ahmadiyya issue was not a matter of freedom of belief  guaranteed by the constitution.

    “The issue is precisely that, the problem being that Ahmadiyah is defamation of religion, particularly Islam,” he said.




    Besides, added Kiai Noer, Ahmadis have clearly violated the provisions set forth in the joint decree (SKB).

    That’s the Tri-Ministerial Diktat, by which the Government stripped Ahmadis of the constitutional rights guaranteed to all religions in Indonesia.

    “Therefore, all Islamic organizations, including the Indonesian Ulema Council, must unite for dissolution of Ahmadiyah,” Noer said.

    So this highly representative pesantren body openly loathes freedom of religion, and backs suppression of Ahmadiyah by means of the Tri-Ministerial Diktat. Does it include in its ranks the schools ‘cooperating’ with Choirul and Nur at the Ministry….?



    That’s just some of the story in that previous post, which admittedly was a while ago, but I’ve seen no news recording any change of heart among those intolerants.

    Besides that post, there are plenty more which illustrate all too plainly the vicious bigotry, and often violence, which animates too many of those who operate and are enrolled as ‘students’ at many pesantren.

    Here are just some of my previous posts in which pesantren get a mention, beginning with the one I just quoted from –


    Pesantren Tantrum – ‘Students’ Rant Over a WORD!’ 

    Java ‘Santri’ Rabble’s War On ‘Zionism’ – Break A KFC Window! 

    gnorant Islamists Amok Again – Dissenters ‘Chased, Beaten With Iron Bars!’ 

    Rohani – Kidnapped by ISIS Scum -Not in Iraq But Just Miles From My Home! 

    Muslim School Burned by Angry Crowd – Police Enlist IslamoNazis to Counsel Kids! 

    Bima Bigot Bomb Base (aka ‘Islamic Boarding School’) – Confusion or Cover-Up? 

    Biting the Hand – IslamoNazi Mob Attacks Police Station 

    Islamic Boarding School Bomb Bigot Gets 17 Years – But His Demonic Disciples? 


    All of which makes us question Lukman’s assertion that diversity is already an integral part of life at Islamic boarding schools, as students get to interact with a lot of people from different places and with different ethnic backgrounds.



    Are these schools then not part of the All-Indonesia Council of Pesantren Leaders  (MSKP3I)? The major representative body for pesantren in the archipelago?

    “Diversity is a common theme at Islamic boarding schools. Diversity exists so that we can understand each other better, not to hate one another,” Lukman said.http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/islamic-boarding-schools-place-radicalism/

    Well, the MSKP3I sure sounds like it hates Ahmadiyah – and presumably anyone else who disputes its Sunni dogmas. Like I say, good luck to Lukman. He’s going to need it!

  • ross1948 21:08 on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , houses of worship, , , , , Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Minster of Religious Affairs, mosque stolen, , , , Sampang, , ,   

    Religious Liberty! Lukman Lights a Candle of Hope! 



    Well, Hell’s Teeth!

    I have long hoped for this news, but to read it, at last, makes this rainy evening seem bright.

    The Religious Affairs Minister, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, comes from an Islamist party, the very same one, PPP, which spawned his predecessor, the oleaginous intolerant, Suryadharma Ali.


    main-lukman-hakim4 Lukman…

    … NOT at all like Ali . Ali1


    But since Ali had to step down in a swirl of corruption allegations, Lukman has shown he’s a man of a very different sort. A good bloke, as I called him last Sunday, he’s now promised a new bill of rights for all faiths, even those which under President SBY were horribly persecuted…


    Lukman said the new bill would target the closures and attacks on churches and Shiite and Ahmadiyah mosques…


    The current law is a green light to sectarian bigots.


    One of the requirements stipulated in the joint decree is for applicants to get the signed approval for their house of worship from the heads of 60 neighboring households of a different faith.


    The difficulties experienced in getting these should not be simplistically ascribed to hatred or prejudice – in Bekasi, some years ago, it was learned that some vindictive clerics had told local Muslims to toe the line or they’d be denied funeral services for their kin!  



    masjid-ahmadiyah-depok These Ahmadis were prevented from further prayers in their Depok, West Java, mosque by a simple step – the local authorities expropriated the whole building! Just like Communists, these sectarians!


    In Muslim majority Indonesia, Christian, Shiite and Ahmadi applicants have almost invariably failed to get the required number, while a few cases have been reported in parts of eastern Indonesia, which has a large Christian population, of Muslims not being allowed to build mosques.

    And excellent news too that the package should include measures to help Shiite and Ahmadi communities being driven from their homes by mobs of Sunni Muslims — often with the support of the local police.

    • Ahmadiyah burned Koran in Cisalada Koran burning – by Sunni savages in Cisalada, West Java (they also burned the Ahmadis’ mosque and homes)
    • That’s the very issue I posted on earlier this evening, referring to the Lombok Ahmadis, but the Shia in Sampang suffered just as much.

    But for all Lukman’ goodwill, he’s still showing a trace of unreality when he goes on to say his ministry would also work with local Islamic clerics — who are often instrumental in inciting hostilities against minority groups — to get them to embrace religious tolerance.

    The JG journo is spot on with her comments on who’s usually to blame for intolerance and hostility. Indeed, many of the posts we’ve published on Islamist intolerance around Indonesia have had cause to mention the local chapters of the MUI.




    That’s the Council of self-styled ‘Scholars,’ who manifest intensely bigoted sentiments, sometimes verging on hysteria –

    Islamist ‘Scholars’ – “Don’t Complain if You’re Attacked!” 

    Twisted Java ‘Moderate’ Brackets Peaceful Minorities With Evil ISIS! 

    Islamist ‘Scholars’ – “Atheists Get Out of Indonesia!” 

    With Friends Like This Islamist ‘Moderate,’ Tolerance Needs Enemies? 

    ‘Moderate’ Muslim Leader To Journos- “Beware Counter-Islam!” 

    The ‘Moderate’ View – Reporting Sectarian Violence to UN is ‘White-Collar Crime!


    -and those strange men of the State-funded MUI are all too often working hand-in-glove with local cops.

    Time to cut the subsidies, Pak Lukman?

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